
My cousin, who, granted, is freakishly youthful (our whole family kind of is), had her one and only child at age 47. Truth. Daughter is now 15 so I guess my cousin is 62. I don't see them (other side of the country) but I get the occasional holiday missive. All seems to be well. You have some time.

My mom had me at 34 and died at 67, so I am close to feeling your pain. Had her last child at age 36 and died of ovarian cancer. Fuck cancer.

I'm not crazy about reducing the FAFSA to two questions. I make a decent living on paper and only have one kid, but I have gigantic amounts of debt. Most of the non-mortgage debt is paid off, but I have huge mortgage payments that can't be refinanced down because I am underwater on my house and have already done HARP

Haha, that happened to me too the first time I used Tampax! Also, it took me quite a while before I realized how far up you're supposed to position them. I was afraid of losing it up there, so the first several times I wore tampons they hurt like hell because I wasn't putting them in far enough. My daughter hasn't

This comes off to me as an illogical rehash of some random complaints by a probably slightly unhinged person. Considering there is no plea for solidarity or any kind of stated preferred outcome (or even the sender's identity), it makes even less sense. I'd call it less passive aggressive and more just sort of

I have never needed to see a cute baby animal video more than I have after reading this. I'm traumatized. Thank you for the cuteness.

Another thing that puzzles me about parents like Duffy: if she was so ineffective in instilling her "world view" over the first 17 years of her daughter's life that a private 5 minute conversation with a nurse can undo everything, then that is not the state's problem; it's the parent's.

Are all of the same health benefits supposed to apply if you do this with decaf?

I have gone through and starred every comment that said the '70s. I don't even know why we are having this conversation.

This family member of which I spoke actually ran the half marathon before she found out she was pregnant. Thankfully everything worked out fine. The baby is healthy 2-year-old.

It's less a surprise that the woman herself didn't know than it is that the doctors gave her multiple scans and blood tests and didn't know. I have an extended family member who didn't find out she was pregnant until around 28 weeks. She had taken multiple OTC pregnancy tests which were negative, and had been training

I'm already a hard fit because I'm curvy. Big butt, small waist, average boobs. I tend to shy away from anything sized S, M, L because I know it's not going to fit me. I cannot fathom who is buying all this S, M, L wear but I guess it's people who are wearing sacks for clothing.

Sweet. :-) I'm not defending the a-hole in this story, but the fact that he took the dog to a shelter and didn't try to dump him on a highway or a public park, which is the fate of many unwanted animals like your rescue, sounds like at least he started out trying to do the right thing. He turned into a complete

Forsythia! The Breeders had that song out around the time my daughter was born, and I mentioned naming her that, to which my husband (at the time) said, jokingly, "I'll leave you."

I could easily and comfortably live my life without ever eating any of these again. I've never even heard of Cookie Dough Bites. But I definitely would have put Good 'n Plenty at number one.

I never went to a single formal dance in high school (we had a winter formal every year in addition to the junior-senior prom) and I have absolutely no regrets about that. I always dated older guys and my first serious boyfriend was away at college during the school year. I had plenty of friends in high school but not

May not have been a lie. Not to get all tinfoil hat about it, but there are theories among believers that babies are born with the ability to connect to the other world, and that it is lost as we grow up and become assimilated into everyday society. My little brother used to talk about, "When I was older" and to this

I had a classmate in elementary school, probably 3rd grade or so, who spent a few recesses telling me a lengthy saga about how she had met (and kissed!) the teen heartthrob star of a kid's TV show. I totally believed every word of it until I relayed the story to my mom, who, unfortunately, couldn't refrain from

So how did it all go down with the neighbor when she got caught?

Well, that concoction you described sounded so horrible. I can't believe she managed not to spill any of it. And I'm sure the pickle juice smelled just fabulous. Not. I guess I have heard a couple of (probably apocryphal) stories about people getting tickets for, you know, getting out a cough drop or something. I