
Nice job on the Tulsa piece, Emily. I love the “Let’s just see how we feel a little later.” Well done.

I was going to post mine separately but it works better as a response to yours. I worked at a themed steak/dinner house type of place (think popular date spot), and once saw a sous chef pull a full mousse-torte type cake out of the cooler and drop it on the floor, face down. The floor had those rubber cushion

I think it’s notable that this story was written by Richard Lawson (his first cover story for VF), who started his writing career as a Gawker commenter. I’m old enough to have followed his career when he moved up to paid Gawker writer, then TV and movie reviewer for Atlantic Wire before he landed at VF. His American

This isn’t my story but that of a former roommate. This was 25 years ago (pre-Internet), and you could put personal ads in the local Pennysaver with a voice mail box so potential dates could leave messages for one another and talk on the phone before deciding to meet up. My roommate at the time ran an ad and had some

I can’t take seriously anyone who sounds like Norma Desmond calling for her close up.

He looks like Donny Osmond fell into a cement mixer.

I loved everything about this. Great analysis, hilarious writing, and great comments too. Well done.

Is it possible that they knowingly did this in order to get attention/publicity? I know it boggles the mind that they would want negative publicity, but I honestly can’t think of any other reason a group of professionals would decide this was “OK.”

Haha I just started watching this and that was the first thing I thought of when I saw this post!

I immediately thought Cecily Strong when I saw Huckabee Sanders.

And you know if Russia had an equivalent of this dinner Putin would at least have the nerve to show up and poison some journalists.

I have heard from someone who knows her that she is a devoted mother and is involved with Barron’s school, but that she does not have two brain cells to rub together.

Follow Propane Jane™ on Twitter. She is a psychiatrist, and is convinced that DT needs some serious help for dementia. She has a very informative feed. @docrocktex26

Thanks for this. I just emailed the following, so anyone can feel free to borrow/paraphrase:

I just emailed Madison Square Garden (see Heywood U Cuddleme’s post below) and quoted liberally from your comment here (with credit, natch). Thank you. Well said.

This is supposed to be good news? She is the most one-note actress I’ve ever seen. Now to stink up TV too.

This just made me laugh for some reason.

So proud of my college-student daughter, who is voting in her second election (the primary was her first), and who REGISTERED IN THE SWING STATE where she is at school! Hillary needs her more there. I voted on Saturday in our blue state, in a meeting room at our library which was FULL. I had to wait a few minutes.