Christopher Sadlowski

Man, Microsoft sure purchased a lot of headaches here.

Warframe launched in 2013 and continues to be beloved by it’s fanbase, and has grown the whole time. To quote DrStrang3love:

The Bungie guys have had to do all of this by the seat of their pants.

I have loved Destiny and its lore etc. for many years, but here’s the deal: they got rid of their inhouse composers. They removed a ‘luxury item’ which has ensured that Destiny was amazing where other shit is just whatever it is.

They charge for yearly expansions (it is NOT a F2p game)

I can’t be the only one who doesn’t trust any of these weird nerds with any of this, right?

I think you’re supposed to throw them all in the air and play 52 card pickup.

Why are they called Steamed Decks when they are obviously grilled?

I love these “No shit, meet Sherlock” type of stories that remind you that we’re a bunch of idiotic apes that miraculously just happen to not get ourselves killed every day.

You can still buy 52 of them, set the wallpaper of each to a different card and play Solitaire.

Goddammit, now you’ve gone and ruined my summer plans to build a deck out of Steam Decks so I could have a barbeque of Steamed Decks while my family plays Switch on the Deck. Now what am I supposed to do?

Daily reminder; Elon Mush is a fucking POS and you shouldn’t give him any of your hard earned money, ever.

The wrap is $8 grand, but they throw the anti-Semitism in for free. 

It was snubbed about as much as Robocop: Rogue City was snubbed.

How about the wealthiest companies on earth just eat the god damn cost and provide a live-saving service because they can.  They already control our lives and make hundreds of billions in revenue each year. What more could they want?  Stupid question, I know.  My point stands.

It seems a bit harsh to charge for a feature like this that could literally save someone’s life.  Instead of a monthly subscription, why not charge a usage fee?  I don’t want to pay $15 a month for a service I will likely never need.  But if I do need it to save my life, I will gladly pay $500, $1000, whatever I have

Using Portal also won’t “free up” the console so one person can play on TV while the other plays on handheld.”

Ah the simple solution then is for all children to travel like this at all times!

That certainly sounds like the sort of issues that should be worked out on public roads in regular traffic with paying customers than in more controlled settings before being loosed on the world.

In their defense, it did detect two children on each other’s shoulders in a trench coat!