Christopher Sadlowski

Obligatory uninformed about income tax person  “BUT BUT If I made more $, i’d get pushed into a higher tax bracket and I’d actually make less!”

Just finished watching a streamer I’ve been following for a while trying to come to terms with this - she’s been on the platform for almost 10 years and is not one of the big streamers, and she’s had a 70/30 contract...that has enabled her to do it full-time, even though she doesn’t make that much from it.

You can’t ignore them. There’s this mentality that “if we ignore the problem it’ll go away...” but the issue is they take ignoring them as a sign of victory and push harder.

Love when people complain about race/gender swapping pre-existing characters. They scream, “Just create brand new characters instead!” Said new characters are created and they still complain. 

I’d like to live in a world where we put them on a walled island in the North Atlantic and tell em good luck

No, no, no, screaming yourself hoarse at LGBT+ folks is a gesture of love. How else are they going to learn they’re sinful degenerates whose very existence is an offense to God?

Just wait until they hear that Black people play video games too!

Out of my family growing up, I think our dad was the only one who *didn’t* play video games, and still doesn’t. My mom was always playing monopoly on Gameboy or SNES, and my sister and I (female) were always fighting over the console RPGs.

I gave my mom my old switch when I upgraded to an OLED. She loves the thing. Plays Picross and Phoenix Wright on it, as well as all the switch online classic stuff with our family plan.

Right? How are they fans of a game that doesn’t exist? They’re fans of the game’s *marketing* and that’s just embarrassing.

Gamers: “It’s about ethics in journalism!”

Space boots ain’t gonna lick themselves

Always fucking weird when a video game that hasn’t come out yet has fans, and they get defensive.

Prepare for what, crying victim because a few gaming news outlets might say critical things about MULTI-BILLION DOLLAR BRAND that a bunch of gamers take personally for some stupid reason? I will never understand these people.

idk I actually like a lot of Kotaku’s reporting, they’ve done really good exposes on the toxic culture at Nicalis and the crunch at Naughty Dog, stuff like that is dope. I don’t usually find them that clickbaity, maybe a bit more openly opinionated but I actually like that about them. It’s just this specific article

Some studios still respect their customers.

We/they need to start forcing studio leadership to do these apologies on video. This whole form letter approach is boring as fuck and is happening too much.

This is why I don’t buy modern games anymore. If they can’t be bothered to play-test their own games, I sure as hell don’t plan to.

God I wish this weren’t typical of takeovers.

It needed to be done. The self righteous douchebag really thinks his shit didn’t stink and that he could get away with doing anything. This brave facade he is trying to present on Twitter is window dressing of an ego run amok and trying to convince people to not pay attention to the fact that his ship is floundering.