Christopher Sadlowski

Fuck people who’d say that with a cactus. This is a threat. He explicitly said he’d shoot people who look like me if we had “an outbreak”, God knows what that means. 

For anyone that says this type of behavior is fine, he’s not threatening anyone, blah blah, remember what happened in Buffalo and what just happened in Texas today. This kind of obsession with guns is not healthy and it just takes one spark to turn someone violent, and people with guns tend to be violent with their

I think you’re failing to distinguish between value and value proposition.

Anyone who isn’t finding value in the gamepass is bonkers-crazy-pants or has already spent their money on every game to come out each month. As someone on a tight budget, there is at least one game announced each month that pays for the whole subscription. I can understand un-subbing because you just don’t have the

If not now, when? And if not there, where?“

Yeah the issue is that it’s not sustainable. America as it is right now is built on the fairytale of unlimited economic growth and expansion and we make policies around that philosophy. But as we’re seeing now, a lot of our policies are not compatible with increased social welfare spending and increased quality of

It’s the nonsense that the mythical business owner is the pinnacle of human achievement and wisdom.

Or perhaps - I’m speculating here - was informed by a course at a major university taught by a professor who never ran a business, so really never participated in a capitalist economy.”

Ironically our waning international influence could potentially be a large net positive in the future. Much of America’s success in the past 60 years has been based around the pursuit of America leading the world in democratic rule.

...And yet it works a heck of a lot better than planned economies.

Yeah there have only been like, 3 or 4 major crashes and recessions in the last couple decades. Great system, line forever goes up, totally sustainable to have infinite growth that never plateaus.

This year will be interesting in that regard - I’m currently being asked to restructure my business unit and cut costs to entirely unreasonably targets to meet board directives, which of course have been issued based entirely on how much money they want and has nothing to do with the long term growth or sustainability

Define “planned economies.”

How much longer do we get to consider ourselves lucky?

The whole “executive team is forgoing salaries” is a bit of a smoke screen. The CEO makes $400,000 year in salary but over $2,000,000 in stock.

There seems to be some cognitive dissonance in a capitalist society in which we want everyone to be working, multiple jobs if possible, and laud the richest CEOs as “job creators”...and meanwhile said creators are constantly trying to “trim the fat”, do more with less, fire as many employees and foist their workloads

As someone who’s burnt out at work, is it bad I always feel a twinge of jealously when I read about layoffs with cushy severance? I’d love a 3 month sabbatical with support from HR in finding a new job... 

how did anyone ever think that this was a sustainable way to operate as a society

Ford go sit down in the corner!

a fascinating attempt at reaching middle class Americans who may be fed up with the whiny and entitled attitude Musk has so often shown on Twitter