Christopher Sadlowski

Where do you see the word “review”?

Star Trek also has right-wing fans despite being fully automated luxury communism.

He didn’t build those things, his employees built them with the money he happened to win in the birth lottery.

Here in California, that’s a load of crap. There are a decent number of Teslas, but it’s by no means “nearly every car.” It might be a sign to get out of your bubble and see more than just the Tesla crowd.

The privatization of space is literally something out of dystopian Cyberpunk, and you’re holding it up as some sort of redeeming value of Musk’s?

I have never really listened to Grimes’ music, but her fans talk about her like a modern philosopher and a brilliant artist who cannot be comprehended by regular people. So imagine my confusion when I listened to her song. It’s a generic pop song with breathy baby-talk vocals and a mediocre electronic beat? Visuals

Fuck off with this horseshit.

Now now he didn’t just take other people’s money, he had plenty of money from his daddies slave run emerald mines in South Africa.

He’s not an engineer, he’s not a scientist, he’s just a techbro who dropped out of grad school after three days to found a startup where he takes other people’s money and uses it to pay real engineers and real scientists to re-invent tunnels.

The guy is a joke, and it depresses me how people think he’s some sort of genius.

We asked readers to stop visiting as well, to avoid crossing a digital picket line.”

Oops i somehow completely missed the strike or u asking us not to visit the website dammit :/ but I’m so happy u won!! one of my fav writers (Renata) just left not long ago and in her goodbye post it kinda sounded like poor working conditions were to blame so I was kinda wondering how much that was affecting everyone.

Hell yeah. So happy that you all were able to get the contract you want, and showbthe strength of working together. All too often people ask “what does a union do for me?” This. This is what a union does. It stands up for all and helps elevate everyone.

Absolutely inspiring work. My personal Kinja feed is my homepage at this point, but I stayed away during the strike, and it really reminded me of the impact you all have on my life each day. I happily donated to the GFM, and would happily do it again if you need to go on strike in the future. Here’s hoping that’s no

Congrats on the victory! Solidarity!

I am so happy for everyone, I just wish this could have been solved quicker before so many great talents left Gizmodo and Kotaku.

We’re all stronger together.

I missed reading Kotaku, but it was for the best and what a best it was. Unions fucking work!

Been following it on Twitter, I saw the salary demands - so great work. I hope this is the start to getting some long form articles and detailed industry interviews from highly motivated staff members :) I miss those!

Damn, the past tense of “bang” isn’t “bung”? I gotta go edit some documents.

Anyway, glad it was resolved relatively quickly. Sucked without you all, and you deserve even more, but at least they know they can’t push their employees around.

So much news of so many people unionizing gives me slightly more hope for the

Super happy AND proud of you all!