Christopher Sadlowski

The problem with that logic is that these obscenely long game lengths often come at the cost of interesting and unique content as the games are designed around generic, procedurally-generated sidequests. Everything from the gameplay mechanics and progression systems to the world map itself has to be tailored around

This is sadly where “Open World” games are at this point. Its like devs took the criticism years ago of open world games being too big with nothing to do and thought to just fill it with 100s of hours of repetition and collection instead of 10-20 hours of good solid side quest with actual effort.

Yuuuup. And that’s coming from someone with so many hours invested in Destiny 2 it put some comment troll into a fit.

450 of that is gathering collectables for a costume you’ll never use, and upgrading weapons you won’t bother equipping.

Bragging about your game being a MMO-level commitment is getting tiresome. I pretty much only play indie games now because they’re generally not a disjointed buzzword-filled experience that requires

Oh ffs 80 hours is too long, too. Can we please get back to 15-20 hour games? I'm so tired of every game needing to be a lifelong affair nowadays.

AAA devs please stop

the fact that they thought itd be cool to tweet about means im not buying this.   im waaay too old for a game that thinks it deserves 500 hours of your time.

Uh oh, we’re 400 hours short of our game length quota.

Nope... too long for me. I can’t stop myself from trying to complete as much as I can of side quests and whatnot. It’s slowed down my time with AC Odyssey so much that I keep finding it hard to return to. I end up being pulled away from the story for so long that I eventually just give the game up.

Well, as long as I have to have PS+ to go online, I’m glad it gives me a game every so often (I maybe want 1-2 each year, of the ones offered).

When the players are writing the rules of the game, we can hate both.

Elon Musk is a random fat cat.

Remember the old adage that it’s only illegal if you get caught? Now you know why Republicans have been cutting the IRS budget for years. No money to do audits, or pay analysts, or investigate claims, etc.

I don’t get it.

Of course something like this is ‘legal.’ Who do you think the tax laws are written by — right, by rich people, for rich people. That’s why the US tax code is so ****ing broken — rich people rigging the system to disproportionately place the burden of running a functioning society onto someone else. It’s also why the

Finally, a reply that actually gets it! I’ve dismissed all the others because they’re just snarky, belittling attacks that come from a place of insecurity and fear and I don’t respect those comments.

How many tens of thousands of cars has Tesla sold? You’re buying into PR spin.

Solving technical problems isn’t his forte though.

I watched the first 20 minutes of the video and felt compelled to stop watching because I was so unimpressed with Musk. I think he sounds like he’s on the back foot, runs a company that mostly reacts to problems instead of foresees them, and has just picked up a rather rudimentary understanding of what has gone wrong