Christopher Sadlowski

Bought and paid for by rich fucks to protect their assets and literally nothing more than that. They need to go away and be replaced by something  better than this shitshow.

Maybe just get rid of them and build a new system that’s DOESN’T have the baggage of catching self-liberated slaves? No? Too “idealistic”? Oh well, guess we’ll just have to live with the bodies piling up...

“Here at Google, we have strong protections in place bla bla bla corporate speak nonsense bla bla bla...”

Nah, keep the last one in there so no one gets out. Maybe let the public do as they please to the last survivor as a warning to the rest of these useless human garbage bags.

Abolish CEOs, take all their blood money assets, distribute them starting with the least of us, and reorganize industry under co-op conditions. That’s a start. Fuck the executive class to the Sun and back. Executives, landlords, and rent seekers should never be allowed into our good graces for all the leaching and

Good. We don't need the executive class anyway. They contribute nothing and, like landlords, siphon money off of people while doing literally nothing all damn day.

Am I the only one getting Anthem-y vibes from the hype and news surrounding Starfield? There’s this grasping, desperate, “This is going to the be best thing literally ever!”, and it comes out and people are supremely disappointed. I don’t have a dog in this race; I really don’t care one way or the other what happens

So...what I’m hearing is we should abolish CEOs? Yeah, I could get down with that.

Or we could just pay people more and tell CEOs to shut up and sit down when they start their bellyaching.

Apple and Amazon are no better...

I don’t know, A24 seems to not spend a gazillion dollars on the films they produce, and many of them were pretty successful. Maybe people just want to see movies that actually say something than the-same-plot-as-the-last-500 superhero movies or whatever derivative bullshit we’ve seen a million times before that the

Revolution. You do that via revolution. It's messy, sure, but when they don't care if you live or die and they hold all the resources...

Good. Let them all drop dead from being dinosaur aged and then break Disney up. The media consolidation that's been taking place is strangling the very medium it works in. Screw all the businesses and turn them into co-ops.

“What they’re asking for us RIDICULOUS! Yes, I do make tens of millions of dollars I won’t do anything with for doing fuck all almost every day of the year, but these people are RIDICULOUS! I mean, if I have to pay them more I MIGHT GET A PAY CUT!!! How do you expect me to buy another yacht or afford my private jet if

Why is everything in Australia intent on killing everyone?

Please tell me you've got this in production already!

Also, let’s not forget that rockets also need cryogenics to keep their fuel stable. You can see that almost the entire exterior of “Starship” is coated in frost as it sits on the test pads and whatnot. So now you’re blasting water straight up in the direction of the engines, and that water is going to be instantly

I was in college in St. Augustine and even I heard the shuttle taking off once! Even THAT far away it was loud; I can’t imagine what is was like much closer. It was cool seeing the huge trail of fire behind the vehicle and watching it turn as it maneuvered on ascent. I don’t think people realize how goddamn huge the

Now, I’d be happy if my town had a fleet of autonomous public electric mobility pods to take me to and from my doctor’s! I have a BUNCH of chronic health problems, one of them being glaucoma. My eyesight isn’t great on a good day, and forget driving at night. If we had an actual tax structure in the shithole we call

Does anyone actually believe Microsoft?