Christopher Sadlowski

I’m not sure your comment comes off as glowing as you think it does...

Yeah, if “move fast and break things” is the ethos of people writing computer code fine; the worst that will happen is the computer won’t do anything or will turn itself off because it can’t understand the instructions it was given. But for physical goods, especially ones that can be dangerous if not well designed,

I don't want my two ton projectile to be designed around "move fast and break things". That's for products that NEVER reach the public in the first place, not cars coming off the line and being driven on public roads. 

And that comes right after saying Tesla has the best materials scientists...go figure. 

I care that Engineers know what the hell they're doing! I don't want the bridges I drive on to go crashing into the river or the water system in my town to literally explode. Likewise, I want to know the car I'm driving is designed such that it doesn't disintegrate at any point. If I knew Elon Musk solely designed the

I believe "ciphered" should be "siphoned" in the last paragraph. Unless this woman was using an Enigma Machine to encode her bank transactions and not simply funneling cash from one account to another. 

I’m so glad I never get bitten by the FOMO bug, and that I don't have any friends who are gamers. This way I also avoid the whole, "Get it day one so we can all play together!" All these games are just a shitshow anymore. I mean, yeah, bugs happen that just aren't caught during development and testing, but a lot of

What would fix this is an employee strike. If the people who are being exploited for their labor simply don’t provide that labor then Activision won’t have anything to sell. Customer boycotts just don't work anymore since most companies have international revenue streams. That’s, sadly, easier said than done, but it

I’m so done with malignant capitalism... 

I thought that was a weird way of saying "computer case" too! 

Well this review got me to put this game on my wishlist. It sounds like it very thoughtfully and purposely talks openly about the consequences of colonialism and the corrosive nature of capitalism. Two topics American Gamers™ need more exposure to. 

Same. It's just one more name on my big list of companies I won't buy from again. Which is really no skin off my back. There's still plenty of companies and developers out there who I can buy from; so what if I don't ever play the next GTA. It'll have no material effect on my life if I never experience it. 

As someone of Eastern European descent I can say that there is a certain kind of...bluntness...from the folks in that general area. We can come off really cold or uncomfortably direct to Westerners. So him being Serbian, you’re right, there probably is a bit of misiterpritation of tone in that letter. But, as someone

That’s true of all languages; words mean things. And words from one language can be translated into words of any other language. But language is more than just that. The order of the words, or syntax, varies. Intent, context, history, etc all factor in too. Then there’s innuendo, double meaning intonation, and the

Keep in mind this is the very first time this is being tried. If it sticks around, and I hope it does, it’ll be studied and analyzed and receive input from users on ways to make it better. I understand where you’re coming from in trying to make these settings as seamless as possible to help with immersion, but as

Death threats are terrorism. Are you really going to bat for terrorists? Because if you're defending terrorists you have some serious self reflecting to do. 

ToS are contracts, and most contracts are legally enforceable or actionable so... 

As a Polish American I can say that Eastern European humor doesn’t translate well and it’s also...kind of not great to begin with. There’s a reason American humor is considered “the best” internationally and is emulated as much as possible. The content is generally more edgy with a great handle on timing. Eastern

Or it's just a way to steal dollars in general from everywhere it can. 

Vaush, the YouTuber, has a video of him and the Earthworm Jim guy and it's really kind of sad how far right that guy is. It's worth watching. I was like, "Damn I loved those games as a kid. It's a shame it was made by a guy who's so extreme."