Haha. I’m pretty sure if I look real hard, I’ve got one of her tapes somewhere around here.
Haha. I’m pretty sure if I look real hard, I’ve got one of her tapes somewhere around here.
I grew up with a disposal and we used it heavily. So, when I was grown, I did, too. e.g. Peeling carrots or potatoes? Do it over the sink.
Of course, over the years, I’ve learned the price to be paid for that and stopped.
LW2, I am viewing your complaint from my personal experience, so I admit to having a dirty lens. But, please, consider door #2 of Rob’s advice. [Long description of experience here but omitted for brevity.]
My city does the same. They take no holidays and even pick up on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. (I assume, and hope, that the workers get premium time for those days.)
“Observed” has to do with Reagan’s changes to make many holidays fall on a Monday. So, when a holiday falls on a particular Monday instead of the actual anniversary date, it is usually referenced as “observed.” Veterans Day met with the most resistance, and many locales continued to celebrate on the actual date…
I thought the choice of evil week articles was pretty amusing - and weird.
This is off topic but I have to ask. The “You may also like” section is populated by 4 - 5 year old articles, two of which are from evil week.
Good advice, and I would add hire your own inspector. I don’t think the agents here in CA will do that (whether by law or by custom, I don’t know.) Your situation is an example of how important it is that the inspector is not beholden to the agent.
Couldn’t agree more about the chain that only single fries. Since the only offering is burger and fries, the cult following has always baffled me since half of that equation is truly bad. Haven’t been to one in 20 years.
Your choice of potato is spot on. It’s the only frozen brand I’ve tried that doesn’t smell like rancid oil.
Can’t find the video directly from YouTube either. I was only able to get it through their site to which I am subscribed. I think it’s a pretty new one.
Just the Yukons. They still recommend double frying for russets. Coincidentally, I just watched both episodes about a week ago.
Happy to report that Paprika saved this recipe with no problem. It now sits in my “To Try” folder awaiting my next grocery store run.
Clarity! What a concept. That’s probably why you use paragraphs, too.
They all do it, but Trader Joe’s seem to get evil glee out of doing it all. of. the. time.
Any way this long-time LH poster can get out of the grays?
It’s true that many years ago most markets moved all their produce to the entry area of the store. I guess it’s more enticing than where they used to have it, so a better marketing gambit.
My workplace was too. Los Angeles traffic pretty much demands very early or very late. Sort of like “you can’t get there from here” in that you can’t get to the office at 8 or 8:30 unless you live very close to it.
Yes. That was my strategy, especially for the last few years before I retired.
Oh, that explains it. I couldn’t imagine a workplace where 9:00 is early.