
I discovered years ago that I naturally use a bucket method for organizing everything including how I arrange my clothes in the closet. Anything more detailed just results in no organization at all. It’s just how my brain works. But just 3 buckets is a bit too pared down for me. I also like a tickler file for misc,

Agree. I’ve been doing something similar. I add stuff to my cart/save for later list but only actually buy periodically such as once a week. (No spouse to consult.) If it’s a book, I send a sample to my Kindle as a reminder of something that might be interesting. If anything could convince me that I was an impulsive

See E. Lizardo’s question about an hour after yours. Could that be a factor?

70 in the summer also requires a ton of AC in 80 - 100° weather (YMMV). It seems Acolyte likes it cool. Not a good match with an 80° guy.

I’m a retired senior, and even when I was a kid the standard was 10%. Not buying what Engineer is trying to sell.

But those guys who cannot see you are not the ones you want to partner with anyway. I get it and I’ve been there. It is frustrating to realize that the eligible dating pool is smaller, but at least the bad ones are self-selecting themselves out.

Both. They are not mutually exclusive. But if you look back at any of his public appearances decades ago, you will see that while he was always stupid, his vocabulary and ability to complete sentences was fully intact. So it appears that now it is dementia layered onto the stupid.

I tend to get ice or freezer burn for things that don’t fill the container completely. So, not a problem with soup, for instance. But it is for muffins. I’ve found that wrapping individual items in plastic wrap so air can’t get to it is helpful. I plan to try laying wrap over the top of a (cooled) stew before closing

How is that any different than a regular white or yellow onion that’s been diced?

The photo above shows the standard way to cut green onions. If you are doing it in another manner, that’s your choice. But they are not inherently more difficult to chop than a regular onion.

I have had no desire to acquire an Alexa or other similar device...until now. That is such a useful feature. I wonder if I’ll ever be able to do that with my phone.

I am a CPA. Income taxes are due whether one is self employed or employed by another which I assume is what you mean by 10% to the Feds. So, there is no difference between freelancers and employees on that piece. The only piece that a self-employed person picks up that an employed person does not is the employer

Reminds me of the time my husband and I went to brunch with my parents. The server had that patronizing cheerfulness delivered a couple of octaves too high. My mother who never suffered fools gladly, rolled her eyes and didn’t even try to be discreet about it.

I had a stopover in Philly once, and it was an absolute s—thole. Literally. The bathrooms were filthy. The gate service was snarly. I don’t remember any food courts. I probably passed on even checking. So color me shocked when I saw it so high on the list. I wondered if I just happened to catch it on an off day since

I kept thinking the same thing. This is not an issue of “legalese.” This attorney is functionally illiterate.

I’d be curious what the LW’s coworkers think and do. Maybe the answer is as simple as do whatever is customary at your place of employment.

Yeah. I couldn’t even finish that one and abandoned it part way through.

Well if this is a secret everyone knew but us then I’m decades later than you in learning it. Usually by the time something is in the oven I’m ready to sit with my feet up for a while. But this sounds like something that is definitely worth a try.

Thank you for the reminder of Brand’s gem of a book. Time for me to re-read it, I think.

You don’t think vegetarians already know that?

My local market had a great sale on butter. I bought 10 pounds (some salted, some not) because the holidays are coming up.