
They can reopen in the case of fraud, malfeasance, material misrepresentation, etc. It remains to be seen if they will.

The hired a female “assistant.” They could not wrap their little minds around acknowledging a woman’s actual professional status.

I agree. I have a one week max for leftovers that I am comfortable with, but I also am very careful about food safety when it comes to cooking and storage practices. I and many others meal prep on the weekend for the week to come without incident. I think the 4 days is a conservative guideline mostly for best

Given GW’s behavior at the memorial for the slain Dallas LEOs in 2016, I’m not sure he has actually quit.

Having worked with a lot of doctors in my last job did the same for me.

Yes. I was going to say the same thing: Peets is readily available. Target and Costco are my sources, but every market has some.

You are correct. Freezing cookie dough for on-demand baking is older than me, and cook books and magazines I’ve read as far back as the 60s will sometimes instruct you to increase the bake time a bit (not much - a minute or two tops) to account for the frozen dough or even to keep the bake time the same. The number of

Exactly. 45 seems to be chomping at the bit to start a war, and as he unravels this seems like an increasing danger. If Congress or even just the House flips, Pence would be an impotent placeholder.

Those were the worst. Eventually, I learned to spot the ones most likely to start that avalanche of crap to my inbox and would immediately create a rule to send any emails with that subject line to the trash folder. Still a waste of time, but at least I wasn’t distracted by the volume of new emails coming in.

Your mom and I cooked similar menus.

Where’s the recommend option? Well, I do want to say this was an excellent article with information that can be really hard to find. Since I have some zero years, it is particularly helpful to me. Thanks!

Yet those of us who live in one of those 7 states still tip at least 18%. (To allay the fears of those who claim servers would be worse off if they were paid more than 2.13/hour.)

Now that I’m retired, I’ve decided to make my own pants once I clean up the spare room with the sewing machine. Yes, find a tailor if you don’t want to do it yourself. It shouldn’t be necessary to cannabalize pockets from other pants; they are easy for the tailor to create.

It makes me miss my tiny flip phone from years ago.

And that’s when you can find a pair of non-jean pants with pockets. Thank you for this research. I haven’t read the other comments yet. Should I get out my bingo card for guys telling you that you are wrong?

This brings to mind the situation of double doors - say to a busy cafe at lunch time. People coming and going in both directions. Does it occur to anyone that both doors work? It seems not. And by the way, “stay to the right” seems logical, yet most people seem to go for the door on the left, which further confuses

Good grief, yes, this. I’m a grandmother (and based on the solicitous inquiry from the bagger at the grocery store about whether I need help to my car, I must look it.) I’ve been out with a friend and happened to hold the door for her only to have young couples walk on through as I stand there.

Yes, and there are better electric multicookers on the market. ATK tested several including IP. They recommended Fagor. They also took the IP to a lab to find out why it was slower than the others. It has less energy reaching the food than other models. But they do have a stellar marketing plan.

I started pressure cooking with electric pressure cookers (thankfully way before the InstantPot cult came along.) I was wary of stove top cookers and this was a good first step. After a few years, I got tired of how long it took to get to pressue, how long it took to release the pressure, and just the general lack of

Yes. I had used the pressure cooker method (stove top) and was impressed that it was true the eggs peeled well. But pressue cooking makes the egg whites tough. I read an article that said it was the steaming not the pressure cooking that created the peeling magic. So I started steaming, and it was true. Easy peeling,