
How? OSU isn’t gonna be taken out and unless Clemson or Washington lost there was little chance for them to get in.

Right...Like this years game was circled and ya’ll lost by 40. Put a triangle on next years game and pray for better luck

>but Jost is saying that liberals should deemphasize equal rights for all people because it alienates rednecks.

I have a feeling that Jost would not characterize what he’s saying in that way. This piece would be a lot more effective if it accurately represented the viewpoint it’s arguing against.

The play is called “9-11 Inside Fake”

Maybe they should do some thought pieces on how nobody is to blame for this disaster other than the rabid Clinton supporters that dismissed Bernie Sanders and people like Elizabeth Warren, and the people that attacked their supporters in terms that only people like Trump could appreciate. My favorite gem was when the

Why? Because despite losing to Obama in 2008, Hillary is like baked chicken on the menu at a restaurant you would never eat in if there was any other choice in a hundred miles - not at all flashy, everyone has enough experience with it to know that it’s dependably ... adequate, and more importantly hard to screw up in

What, she made Benghazi a strong point. Even spun a hell of a yarn about the secret server in her basement for sending and receiving classified information, then lied to everyone about the entire fiasco. Had the DNC basically hand her the nomination, and then ran a feeble campaign telling the nation that Donald was

Until today, I would have totally agreed with you. I thought Bernie was totally unelectable and that once he got to the general would disappear under a mound of oppo research. But. . . I’m a moderate Dem and I would have voted for Bernie a thousand times over if my only other choice was Trump. And part of me wants to

Despite an 8 year head start and tens of millions of dollars behind, Obama out-campaigned her, out-fund raised her, and out-organized her. He was a nobody and she was the biggest name in politics. 100 days later he was the nominee.

Blame Hillary for taking 250k for a lunch speach with Wall Street bankers. Don’t you think that statement in the third debate had an impact? 250k for what? Are you so knowledgable about their business that they felt they had so much to learn from you? No! You are for sale! And the majority of the American people don’t

She couldn’t even bring out Hispanics to vote in an election where the other guy completely bailed on Spanish-speaking media, yelled insults at them, and made deporting them a key facet of his platform.

Once again, Gawker Media reaps what it sowed. Maybe, just MAYBE if the editorial tone was “here’s why Hillary is good” rather than “here’s why Trump is an idiot/rapist/scam artist” and “just stop, Bernie Bros,” they might have gotten some page views from on-the-fence voters and the surprisingly high number of women

You’re overlooking the fact that as unlikable as Trump is, even in his own party, Clinton is nearly as unlikable even in her own party. Your assumption that she could beat anybody in the general election is incredible considering her performance last night. Never forget the awfulness of Hillary Clinton as a candidate.

They absolutely do not; refusing to vote is not a statement in any active sense of the term--it is passive acceptance of decisions that others will make for the silent person.

To abstain from voting and then whine about the result is the very epitome of entitled, privileged bullshit. “I don’t like the game, so I’m not

And we have the right to point and laugh at them for complaining when they did nothing to influence the outcome in their favor.

Their response is limited to “Wow, so that guy won.” Not “Why did they elect this person? He’s not the right person for the job.”

Hahaha, no they don’t.

No they don’t. They’re the most culpable.

Not too busy, but just didn’t want to: