
I read/listened to a lot of his stuff a few years ago, but ever since he left ESPN either he’s turned to shit or I’ve grown up (as much as a Deadspin reader can). He probably needed ESPN’s structure more than he realizes.

I consider myself to be a huge Simmons fan.



There sure is. And you can bet he won’t be paying for her tuition anymore.

Why would the NBA do ANYTHING to Rose until he’s been found guilty? what the hell kind of journalist suggests otherwise? if the NBA did anything prior to a conviction, it would be insanity across the league. Accusers would come out of the wood work and players could face suspensions even if they aren’t convicted. Why

Rolling Stone should maybe stick to writing about music for a while, Matt Taibbi, excepted.

So you didn’t win?

are we sure she wasnt kicked off the flight for thinking e-sports are real sports?

It looks like she got the attention she was looking for. I get that this can be upsetting to some, but maybe just don’t fuck around when dealing with air travel.

It’s 2016, a fat dude wearing a black panther hat, and asking people to call him : her, and everybody on the internet is like “supporting” her.

“Stevens told me that she’s flown”

I’m going to disagree with this (and a lot of fed up women would agree with me, even if they’re uncomfortable saying so in public). Men are male, women are female, but both sexes can be masculine, feminine or androgynous. Some people substitute “sex role” for “gender”, and it seems to work. It’s possible people are

Congratulations, this shit is what happens when feelings take precedence over literally anything and everything.

Airline Employee: We are trained to identify and address potential threats to passenger and airline safety.

Passenger: I don’t understand this and I don’t get out much so I’m going to assume you are unfairly targeting me.

Airline Employee: If you wouldn’t mind complying with our request in an adult fashion, we can take

Hardly. Just that my trans friends didn’t change their names and ask to be referred to as “she” until they either started the physical process or at least some aspect of their outward appearance to identify more as the gender the chose. The process is hard enough on them, so why on earth would you do something like

“I didn’t know if I was going to be staying on the plane or not and I said that,” WTF does that even mean?

Let’s get fucking real. She was kicked off because she clearly refused to put her bag under the seat. On top of that, she was arguing with the flight attendant about not putting a bag under your seat. And she was clearly doing everything she could to see herself kicked off so she could write about it. Someone is just

Almost like its satire of a trans person.

This is a tough one to judge with only one side.

Because on the one hand really the only reason you shouldn’t be allowed on a plane for clothing is because of security concerns (which make it the TSA’s responsibility well before boarding) or other passenger’s physical comfort (like your clothes smell really bad).
