
Isn’t that person from The Real World or something?

I have no idea how anyone knew where that question was “headed” based on the word salad we heard from the video, but make sure it’s whatever you want it to be.

That guy tweeting about black hockey players to help bring in a black fan...he’s like some kind of...Peace Machine...

Thank goodness we have you to do that, after 100 people already did that.

No matter who’s right or wrong, it’s fucking gross whenever 100 people gang up on 1 on the internet, each subsequent person adding something completely redundant in order to assuage their crippling need to be part of the group of “good people” and be recognized.

And a writer who cared so passionately for fairness and justice to have a main character known as The Judge in Blood Meridian. Flummoxing.

The first step is buying a ticket for Cormac McCarthy’s ex-wife...

Els is even over the next 9 holes, which is pretty impressive, really.

It’s not worth it to Yahoo to just let the guy pick a champion and give him his own additional 50k if he ends up “winning”?

If they don’t have a vehicle set up that keeps them from the pointless middle step of declaring the fine as income, they need new lawyers.

And when you deduct charitable donations from your taxes, you retain more money.

I’m glad you did!

It’s supposed to be GRANT-luhnd instead of the more widespread GRANT-LAND.

Haha, sorry man. It’s probably a very sharp cutoff at a particular age. I’m 35 and had never heard of him before the site myself.

He got Durant vs. Oden right and just assumed carte blanche ever since.

Their last website was named after a sportswriter from days of yore who nobody’d heard of, so 99% of people pronounced it incorrectly, to the point where most of their writers just adopted the wrong pronunciation. Compared to that, they’re doing better.

It just doesn’t look deep enough, though! How are you not tickling your ass with your own shit in this situation?

This is excellent and I loved the Superfund joke.

I don’t know if this is more or less funny if there’s no such thing

Just wanted to say I found something insightful and, in its own melancholy way, beautiful about your phrase “I will live my entire life every night before I go to bed.” Hope you’re doing ok.