
He's never hit a woman...he gets his anger out with words which is what we are told to do, it's his way of using a punching bag at the gym, look up his history with his Mom and you'll see why...

isn't it interesting how everyone freaks out when katy perry says she ISN'T a feminist, yet also when beyonce says she IS? katy perry is beyond problematic as a feminist, yet everyone seemed to be clamoring for her to identify as such. i don't care who calls themselves a feminist. the more the better! maybe if beyonce

Nope. Sad for you. If you can't name 3 albums better than MMLP, you obviously don't really listen to hip hop. How are you gonna be asking me if MMLP is a classic ("it isn't?") and insist that I'm the one who is obtuse. Bruh, you just outed yourself. LMAO

That's pretty much the point of his music. A lot of people don't give him credit for his self-awareness. He knows that his personalities are psychotic— that's the point.

I'd also be pissed if I was a dude looking for casual sex - he's basically implying that all straight men having casual sex are terrible people, because they only find female partners through deception and pressure.

I totes see what you're saying. I also think that in certain groups, that message NEEDS to come from someone as ridiculously hot as Beyonce. I am a big girl and know first hand that when I try to have conversations like that it always ends up with someone else telling me shit "for my own good" about dieting, etc. I

hello everyone, i am stuck in the greys on gawker main, and need to put this somewhere in the black (sorry burt)

You're also supposed to avoid psychological counseling. What do all the things you mentioned plus that have in common?

I don't care if you dislike Beyonce for whatever reason, or you don't care for her music. YOU CANNOT DENY that she is reaching a mass of young women with this album, an album that uses the word FEMINIST and has a fucking feminist SPEECH in the middle of one of her singles. Who the fuck is doing this in pop music?

Survival of the fittest.

Same. I've never been that into her. I just can't get onboard the Beyhive or whatever. It would be so much easier just to like her, I can't even tell people I'm not a fan without them looking horrified. She seems really self-involved (even for an entertainer/pop star/whatever) and completely obsessed with herself, I

No hate, just a call for people to take a deep breath.

I personally want people to chill the fuck out.

I am not over Beyonce, I just was never really riding the All Hail Bey Train to begin with. She's fine. She has a lovely voice and I like her music (I like the video of the baby dancing to "Single Ladies" more, though). But people just need to chill the fuck out. I'll be over here listening to Chaka Khan.

People need to slow their roll. This national Beyonce obsession is getting out of control.

We'll see.

I don't care if she is a cokehead. She's still a person I like. I hate how judgy people get about drugs when it's actually no fun to be an addict. It happens and it doesn't make someone a bad person, jeez.

I really can't wait for this dumb trend of worshipping Beyonce to die down. It was barely funny to begin with, now its just boring and old.

I'm really not that big on Beyonce.