
My mom felt exactly the same way in 1975 - that her boobs were for sexy time and she loathed the concept of bottle feeding. I was raised on formula: healthy as a horse, well adjusted and Ivy League educated. I thought feminism was all about choice? And yet here we are telling moms that breast is best (meaning you're a

This is not about maintaining some sort of independence or autonomy, this is about taking care of your fucking responsibilities.

It sounds like a lot of it is attitudes to travel. Kim and Kanye would travel constantly and to them a quick trip to Paris is probably not the huge deal it would be to many of us. Of course everything is a huge deal to mags whether it happened or not. Are we sure they didn't just go and see a movie with Paris in the

People like you make me not want to have kids. I mean, I love kids, but self righteous parents...? A child can bond with any parent or primary care giver, I just watched one of my best friends twins intensely bond more with his dad because he slept next to his dad every night. Take your gender essentialism elsewhere.

Three days did it for me, and LLL meetings and lactation consultants indicated that was quite common. Nursing, once you get the hang of it, is relaxing. You have a snuggle with the baby, it's just a good feeling. Pumping is weird and uncomfortable and I always worried that someone was listening (pumps are hugely loud)

But you can't?...... I really don't care what you do with your kids, but the idea that you know the only right way to parent is killing me.

Other moms seem to agree, so maybe your opinion is not the be all and end all of parenting.

All I'm really seeing from a google search is an advice book and some theories about colic, so I don't really believe this is science instead of an opinion.

If you don't want to leave your baby for a few days, then that's your decision and everyone should respect that, but I don't see why that means NO woman should feel okay about leaving her baby for a few days.

Yeah I don't get this.

Oh my god some of these people commenting to you are ridiculous. My mom and stepdad left us with my grandmother to travel internationally quite frequently. One time was for over a month while they planned our move to China. It wasn't that big of a deal and my sister and I had a blast with my grandmother. When we got

Um, pretty sure she can pump and have milk for the baby in her absence for at least a day and then she has the means to frickin' hand deliver her pumped milk on a Lear Jet each subsequent day she is gone, if she wants. Or hey, maybe she also breast and formula feeds? Who knows? Bet the kid is getting fed nutritiously

Week. No, not like that.

1) I am sure she is pumping too and can bottle that shit right up. 2) She left the kid for like 3 days not 3 months. Hardly earth shattering. 3) She likely has nannies that are co-primary care givers, which makes this possible and easy for her unlike us poor(er) folk. 4) why does it have to be a choice of who comes

They went because they wanted to go — could be work or play or a combination of the two — which is fine and doesn't make them horrible people or parents. Some people are very nervous to leave their kids without them, even to go run an errand and leave them with a family member. I get that; no judgment. Some people

There used to be a time in history when a mother would give birth and then leave the baby at home with a relative to go on vacation after a couple months. This would give her time to mentally and physically get back to normal. Now, we can't even get a week of work off in this country. We have everything screwed up.

oh christ, really? weed socks? Are we 16 and got a gift certificate to Spencers?

Maybe their primary nanny couldn't make the trip? Maybe they wanted the baby to stay close to family since they were going to be busy all day/night long and the family has stateside obligations? Maybe they wanted to make it a romantic getaway and have tons of monkey sex all over the hotel room? Does it matter? My

The fun part is that a couple of weeks ago, they were talking about how Kanye has spent so little time with the baby, but it was all framed around how Kim can't keep a man. Now she goes away from the baby for the first time, and with the man she "can't keep," and it's what a horrible mother! In this coverage a mom

I sincerely don't understand ANY of the fuss by anyone about Kim going to Paris with Kanye. Leaving aside how much I hate these people, becoming a mother does not mean Kim should subjugate everything else about herself and her relationship for her child. That's frankly unhealthy to me. I believe marriages and children