
When I was 23, I wanted (& did) to bang hot young 23-year olds! What is it with these low self-esteem youngums these days? Don't waste your time on these middle-aged losers!

I'd pay a fair sum of money for science to give me a memorable week with Clive Owen.

The Zimmer-Man sat stroking his cat (by that I mean pistol), a Sig P220 he had fondly named "Katie." He thought about his life, and the choices he had made. Triumphs, regrets, hopes all flooded his head, and he was brought back to his greatest failure: that time he missed that sale on that awesome Glock 19. Sadness

The one where NBC continues last year's version of Community for the next 50 years.

“I usually don’t like to breastfeed in public because people can be judgmental,”

I believe he's the kind of "feminist" who non-consensually pulled off condoms during sex with prostitutes, so go FUCK YOURSELF, Spitzer.

Thanks for clarifying.

No wonder women are so sexually dysfunctional.

So Aaryn and GinaMarie don't know they've lost their jobs? hahahaha

A thousand times this. I moved from Iowa to Rhode Island a couple of years ago and I'm still staggered by the blatant racism that I encounter all the time around here and in Massachusetts. Iowa was no racial paradise by any means, but at least there it seemed like most people knew it was something to be ashamed of.

See, no racism in Europe. We Redneck Americans should be more like our Erupean cousins, so sophisticated, intelligent and cultured. Just shut up, Europe, until your own house is clean.

Watched the video of Amandy Bynes "dancing".. that wasn't dancing. That was her moving her arms in a strange way that might indicate some kind of mental illness. ...okay, maybe she was dancing. But if I saw someone doing that in front of me, I'd assume he/she had some kind of mental issue.

So a teenaged boy as followed by a stranger until the stranger shot him. The stranger walks free.

:( It's not a good sign that they had to deliberate. A guilty verdict would have been given on Friday so that they could go home. If I had to guess, well, er, I guess I do have to guess, I would say manslaughter. I'm not sure how long that means this evil monster will be in jail before he's back on there on his

In order to not be a slut at all, at age 28, you can have had, at most: 3 sex partners, 5 kissing partners, and 5 oral sex partners.

Please tell the next guy who says that to go eat a bag of dicks or something equally offensive. I'm tired of trying to find men interested in FWB but need like constant attention from me in the form of texts and picture. Drives me insane. I just wanna fuck occasionally, I already have a boyfriend, I don't need you

We can trade anytime you like! I think my family is just a bunch of late bloomers.

*eyeroll. Because married men don't see hookers. Yeah ok.


Ooh, this just got cross-posted to Gawker.