
It enrages me that violent women aren’t taken seriously. My mom was an abusive fuck & it was TERRIFYING. Her hitting my dad & occasionally her children wasn’t a cry for help, it was her being a complete asshole with no control over her own emotions & actions & no desire to gain any.

Thanks for calling this out. I grew up with an abusive mother & it’s not funny or a minor deal when Mommy’s assaulting Daddy; it’s fucking terrifying.

Thank you for saying this! A guy grabbed my ass in junior high and I was pretty goddamn traumatized by it. It IS a big deal. People who say it’s not ought to have it happen to them and tell me they were fine with it.

I kinda disagree on Nick Carter. Assuming he’s innocent - which I’m not, but let’s say he is to make my point - he’d probably be baffled by the accusation. In his head they had consensual sex so why is she saying it was rape?

Broke down in tears at how diverse the cast for a beloved childhood favorite is. Color blind casting is the only way to go, pick the best actor, the physicality isn’t nearly as important as nailing the character.

Genuine question here: why do you bother with a family you describe as terrible? If you’re dreading spending time with them, you don’t have to go. I gave up on my terrible family years ago and it was the best thing I ever did.

It wasn’t mean, it was hella honest. I personally prefer advice like this to people humoring me.

I’m not sure viewers of Love are supposed to be rooting for Mickey & Gus; I always saw the title as tongue-in-cheek. They’re two fucked up people whose co-dependencies line up perfectly and the drama that ensues is amusing and realistic. By the end of the show they’d better not be together!

I don’t disagree but gross thoughts aren’t gross actions! Men I know in real life who are complete gentlemen still tell me they keep having sexual thoughts about women at inappropriate times & trans men whose autobiographies I’ve read say they start having way more sexual thoughts after starting testosterone - that

A lot of Democrats, myself included, take issue with our party ignoring working class needs. That’s why we liked Bernie. Obama/most Democrats tend to claim more education is the answer even though I know plenty of underemployed overeducated people. Here in Chicago the public schools are terrible and Obama may have

It doesn’t though. Healthy people function well until a rapid decline. Most people in my family have lived until at least their mid-eighties & they’re still sharp. They admittedly decline in their 90s but I honestly don’t see a problem with a healthy seventysomething in office.

You don’t get why it’s a problem for a guy to ask a co-worker if she’ll watch him masturbate?? Are men really THIS bad at social interaction?

He sounds respectful after presumably drugging him (he passed out after TWO drinks?) and groping him while he was drugged. Yeah, great, awesome morals!

Glad I’m not the only girl who overreacted & thought you were a guy commenter because you called Eleanor frumpy. =)

He didn’t always receive consent, and when he did, he was using the element of surprise & shock to obtain consent.

It is, but again, when Thor takes his shirt off in a movie, he’s still considered a respectable human being.

Isn’t Mr. Universe objectification too though? Or why is it when Channing Tatum strips no one seems to think he should be groped or even that it’s bad/shameful/degrading for him to show off his amazing body but it’s wrong for women to do the same? People assign a negative value to women who show off their bodies but

In Difficult People the leads are terrible, full stop, but it’s hilarious to watch them fuck up their own lives. You also get why the characters are the way they are, especially the female lead (overbearing narcissistic mother she can never please who is hilariously portrayed). It’s like Seinfeld if they’d bothered to

I agree 100% but what action do we take? I’ve always done volunteer stuff & tried to help people in need but beyond that I feel powerless to make a difference.

I dress a lot like her and believe me, plenty of men I’m not even dating have felt a need to let me know I should try harder. Men are gross, I’ve literally read articles complaining we don’t dress up to go to the grocery store anymore. :/ Luckily the men I’ve dated like women who like comfort like Troy on Community