
This response is why Democrats lost. Condescending to anyone with legitimate concerns about Hillary.

People had legitimate reasons for disliking her. I voted for her grudgingly; if a lifelong Democrat votes for your candidate grudgingly, that’s not a good sign. She’s flip-flopped on issues like free trade, gay marriage, how much she cares about the minimum wage, her commitment to progressive values, etc., which means

Right. There couldn’t possibly be multiple reasons people voted for Trump. Trump voters aren’t individuals, they’re all just like this KKK fellow.

Over half the country makes under $30K & you think the economic anxiety argument doesn’t hold ANY weight? Could you explain this please? I don’t buy it’s the entire reason Trump won but literally every Trump supporter I’ve spoken with brings up the economy first so I buy it’s a large part of it. That and hatred of

This is a whiny response that oversimplifies why Hillary lost. Democrats chose to nominate a weak candidate people didn’t trust and weren’t enthused about. Every time another Hillary mini-scandal dropped this election cycle I cursed the DNC for being so short-sighted. And I say this as someone who voted for her.

Your response was literal, your responder’s not so much.

I literally don’t get this even though most people agree with you. They’re pictures, they tell you nothing! I’m an introvert & don’t go out much but have had people tell me my “cool party pics” made them jealous & I’m like you’re never taken a great picture at a boring or lame event...?

Lots of employers would fire a man who sexually harassed his co-workers but nice try

Erotica? She’s describing her own rape. And would she not sound amateur while awkwardly describing what some asshole did to her?

The criticism piled on you was absurd. I got mugged once because I took a sketchy subway line too late at night & while I don’t “blame” myself, I know damn well my actions made me a perfect target. Apparently we should all pretend to live in a 100% safe world, never blame our own actions for anything, & cry

I’ll see your point (which I almost agree with) and raise you another:

I’m pretty sure if you were a politician you’d spend lots of time on golf courses, at parties, & yes, even at weddings (didn’t Trump say the Clintons had to come because he donated to one of their campaigns?) with people you don’t like or respect. Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren could make the statement you just

It happened to me ONCE in college (random stranger from behind on a dance floor) & I had to sit down for 15-20 minutes to get my bearings. To be fair he actually penetrated me with one finger so I had no trouble calling it assault. :/

Gotcha. That makes sense now. ;) How could I forget the human ego will latch onto anything to make itself feel awesome lol!

Well, first off, I didn’t mention Bernie, I was addressing why some people don’t want to vote for Hillary, which again is disappointment with the Democratic Party. I’ve read a lot of books on the topic that go specifically into policy decisions during the Clinton & Obama administrations the honestly don’t make the

Kim doesn’t do her own makeup?! And she has a team of stylists?! No one at Jezebel had any idea, thank you for educating us.

Not a single Bernie bro or lady I’ve met felt the way they did b/c of Sarandon so let the woman express her feelings. Some of us don’t love the current Democratic Party & people’s desire not to vote for Hillary is a symptom of that. I’ll vote for Hillary but why don’t you blame Democrats for expecting working class

I think people who love playing with their looks are the most into them. I think hair is meant for pulling (I liked Posh Spice so much more after she said she ditched her extensions for “intimate moments”) & feel weird w/a wig so I don’t get ‘em either.

Waiting for some asshole to go WHO’S because auto-correct doesn’t happen & anonymous internet comments are totally important enough to warrant perfect grammar.

If it gets people talking about the bullshit new law the article mentioned that allows employers to discriminate against dreadlocks, I’m all for it for the same reason I loved Formation. Use that pop star power for some good!