
Yeah, the truth is probably somewhere in the middle (I mean she did sell this story to a tabloid...really?) but I can’t condemn a guy based on a series of shitty texts. This is why I’m glad I’m not famous: if some of my angry texts to exes came out I’d sound like a raging asshole, I’m sure. :D

All I know is he sent some nasty texts to a woman calling her a herpes-riddled skank, but the texts themselves seem to support his claim that she had been texting him for like 2 years & he was trying to get her to back the fuck off, so I never saw what the big deal was. If there’s something else I’m curious too since

Right, admiring his consistency is the same as worshiping him & thinking he’s flawless. So sorry I can’t stand a politician who didn’t agree with gay marriage rights until 20-fucking-10. (And I can even acknowledge her political expediency might be a good quality for a President to have, imagine that! Still prefer

That happens to me too! I came home once & my not-even-6-months-old computer died when I turned it on. Then I went in the bathroom & the bulb burnt out. I would assume some kind of weird power surge in my apartment but it happens every few months for me as well... :o

But Hillary IS a manipulative shrewd fickle power hungry politician. She flips her position based on what the polls say - and yes, that’s basically every politician out there, but people like Bernie because he’s been pushing the same awesome, pro-working class agenda for decades now. I’m sure her gender makes people

I need to know what magical charm and/or dick powers Future has to get women falling all over him like this. Especially given his children by multiple women...like why would THAT be the guy you tattoo on yourself? He definitely won’t be as devoted back...

As someone who actually has bipolar, all I can do is express my amazement that Miley has no reputation for missing work, being unreliable, etc. a la Rihanna or LiLo. Her image & antics may be crazy but the girl acts pretty damn sane for someone who supposedly has my disorder.

I come from a fucked-up family, and honestly? People who never had really intense issues have (sometimes) never had to examine their own flaws. I’ve done the work, examined myself and my flaws, and figured out how to be a better human being. Someone who’s never had to take that look in the mirror can actually be more

As a former sex worker, no. That happened to me & I didn’t think of it as rape. If a guy had forced sex on me at gunpoint, that would indeed be rape.

Because people being awful to people is specific to one race or religious creed. Riiiiight.

You’re pretending attitude doesn’t matter. I present to you 2 short men I dated because I give no fucks about a guy’s height (I’m 5’6”):

You have the right attitude. I present to you 2 short men I dated (I’m 5’6”):

We all have preferences, but for a lot of people it’s more about what other people think than their actually not feeling attracted to, say, a fat girl or a short guy. If they genuinely don’t want that, that’s more than fair! But I for instance take no issue with guys who are shorter than I am but have been in social

I usually base my expectations on income - if he makes less, I pay, & if he makes more, he pays.

Yup. We all know this guy - he only loves relationships because he wants someone reliable to come home to between all the other women. Being single would apparently be too much of a hardship, the poor baby.

Heh. I do. After years of bullshit with both my iPhones & Samsung Galaxies I went for a cheap $80 Windows phone & never looked back. I actually love some of its features - it tells me if I’ve already favorited something, it organizes my fave websites in alphabetical order, & its display screen is just as easy to use

That was basically my experience. :/ No encouragement, no excitement someone new wanted to get into comics, just a general attitude of “why is this chick here?” They were on the other hand very nice to the stereotypical nerd buying a dozen comics (nothing wrong with nerds, just saying they shouldn’t stereotype &

I agree but at the same time death by knife is much more difficult to pull off & knives are a common household product. I’ve been suicidally depressed more times than I can count (mental disorder) & I’ve never once thought, yeah, I want to stab myself! Cyanide on the other hand, if it were easily available...

Your response is spot-on. I have bipolar & my first thought upon reading this was, wow, I did NOT need to know I can just purchase cyanide online! Glad any chance of them selling it to other people like me in moments of depressive weakness will go away. (And yes, I know there are a million other options out there to

What cracks me up about the idea that only dudes & lesbians play Pokemon is it’s a game involving a bunch of delightfully cute creatures. Even if we’re basing interest in the game on gender stereotypes, would straight women not eat that up?