Watchtower Leydi

This is so sick...because it's truthiness is probably around 97-99%.

Shitty extensions, veneers and...kidneys.

Tiffany reminds me of Carol Baskin.

So, after 27 years Trump finally said those magic words to Tiffany. “I’d fuck you after Ivanka”; and now she stumps for him.

Tiff used to be pitiable; the outcast daughter wanting to be loved by her Father. Now she’s a hot mess and has gone all in with the grift.

Remember when Tiffany was just Donnie’s failed abortion and she never associated with him or opened her mouth?  Good times.

Wasn’t there a point early on where everyone thought that Tiffany might be the non-completely-evil Trump kid?

I will never understand why any of the trump-adjacent women insist on sporting such shitty extensions.

Hey, affluent LGBTQIA people with self esteem and self love willing to endorse the GOP just don’t grow on trees.

Tiffany aka the abortion that never was looks like she’s 28 going on 54. I mean, I did shitloads of coke and drank my ass off every weekend when I was in my 20's and trust me, the results aren’t pretty

MENSA is just a bunch of incels and edgelords anyway:

Being a member of MENSA has absolutely no bearing on logical thought. (I know this because my Dad was a member, and even as a child I realized that group was batshit crazy)

I thought “wow, sorry cancer, you caught Rush Limbaugh.”

My parents were sucked into the hateful side of the Republican party (anyone remember the early 90s when politics were somewhat civil??) partially because of Rush. My mother has told me that white privilege doesn’t exist - not that she thinks it doesn’t exist, the objective fact that it doesn’t exist - because Rush

I only hope that whatever greets him on the other side has that kangaroo’s death stare, punching power, and hind end kick. 

Death is all

Both of my parents died from cancer. Terrible way to go.

Ugh, cancer has not made this guy a better person. However, I still cannot stop myself from having a trauma response hearing someone is in end stage. After watching my mom die from advanced cancer earlier this year and my bff about 10 years ago, it’s just so hard not let it get me in the feels.

Don’t put off till tomorrow what you can do today,Rush!

So, what did you have for dinner? I fried fish, and I don’t fry stuff often.