Watchtower Leydi

The Catholic church has come out in favor of taking the vaccine and masking up. Now, some of the conservative clergy disagree, but Underwood being a hardcore Catholic isn’t a reason for her to opposed mask mandates, or vaccination. If that is her position, that’s on her.

So not only does she not have the right to her own name, but you also think she doesn’t have the right to try and reclaim that stolen agency? That's an incredibly asinine point of view for you to take. 

Can we not pretend there's such a thing as "trickle-down social justice" lol? Even if she wins its not going to help small content creators afford to sue DISNEY. 

Projection is not just a river in Egypt.

The guy who’s rapped about being ‘on his knees praying to the Lord’ and has reportedly talked about how he’s blessed from being covered in the blood of Christ?

Something I read earlier today: “Of all the moral atrocities Donald Trump committed, surely making Megyn Kelly even momentarily humanish and sympathetic ranks among the worst."

Evangelicals mastered the art of Weaponized Christianity.

“May the peace of the Lord be with you, and your spirit.”

Ever notice they always call the “bad kids”  by their full names? Rayanne Graff. Kim Kelley. Jen…. Er maybe not her.

And please let’s not forget Tammy Lynn Michael’s Nicole Julian in Popular - a girl who, even when given redeemable moments, is not allowed to fully embrace them. The rest of the cast changes, matures, and grows (even Leslie Grossman’s Mary Cherry gets some emotional depth in the exploration of her relationship with

Holy shit - early covid I randomly decided to rewatch Dawson’s Creek and that rewatch was more impressive than therapy in showing me why I’m so fucked up. That show does not stand up to time.

Don’t forget when she went on IG live and called a blogger an “obese piece of shit who needs to drop dead.”

None of this is about being light skin, she just wants to say something to get people talking.  Because, she has nothing else.

What is irksome is how she wants to be from financial privilege . Her home and schooling - not university - do not indicate this at all. Her mom is a therapist and her father is not spoken about in terms of finance. The townhouse was by the Harbor and she now owns her own home in Upper Marlboro- very far from Potomac.

Agree completely. She’s not a good person at all. 

Maybe people dislike Candice because she is a homophobic, race baiting awful person who is not below referring to people as animals or using slavery references for her castmates.  She is genuinely a despicable person and no amount of pretty can make up for that.

This entire post is in incredibly poor taste. Then again we completely dismantled another country for 20 years and are now abandoning them in a way that will undoubtedly lead to a civil war, so *shrug*

Apparently, people that didn’t find Cats disturbing enough.

Most of the VS Angels where in their late 20's to early 30's. You know Leo doesn’t date anyone over 25. 

Um. Have we forgotten we’re in the middle of a fucking global pandemic? What the hell was she supposed to say? “Hey everybody, storm the border! Yeah we can’t process people and our systems are about to collapse but hey, the US has done bad things in the past, so keep on comin!”