Watchtower Leydi

Ok, Chris!

You may like Falcom’s Tokyo Xanadu. It’s a pure J-RPG with hack and slash dungeons, and sim story gameplay.

Come on, I can’t be the only one who was on Team Bears.

Omg actually I can see it!

Any info on save data carrying over? That would be the ultimate dealbreaker for me

Any info on save data carrying over? That would be the ultimate dealbreaker for me

Any info on save data carrying over? That would be the ultimate dealbreaker for me

Any info on save data carrying over? That would be the ultimate dealbreaker for me

Any info on save data carrying over? That would be the ultimate dealbreaker for me

Ok, i understand this. And I’m ready to buy the new edition...but will my save data carry over...?

Wait, so we are not getting to keep our game saves if we get the ultimate edition......?

Hmm am I the only one mostly bummed by the change of color?

As someone who’s never watched this show but keeps reading about Meghan McCain in it, I just find this very entertaining.

Loved this film, as a fellow french of Senegalese descent.

Same. I’m scared at how fast my mind came to wonder “Trump did it, right?”.


Ermmm...Martells aren’t extinct. You yourself mentioned the new prince.

I view things exactly as in your theory! Reset- second chance.

Honestly I don’t see it. I’m super surprised that she even acknowledges him. Sure he helped her escape. But he also was the worst and cause a lot of shit to happen. I can’t believe anyone would get past that...not on that show.

Ok can we admit that the egotistical popular guy could totally get it anyway? So hot.