Watchtower Leydi

You’re confused. Sansa is just a character, Sophie Turner is the actress (and powerful psychic Mutant possessed by a cosmic entity with godlike powers) who plays her.

It is good that Sansa is still able to be sex-positive after her many traumatic experiences 

“No one deserves this.”

His annual fish fry was legendary, even though he claimed he only used four pieces of fish and five loaves of bread.

Everybody was for that crime bill. Uncle Joe was one of the authors and Bernie voted for it.  There are pix of Clinton signing the bill surrounded by the Congressional Black Caucus. Hindsight is 20/20. Interesting the only person we hold responsible for that bill is Hillary Clinton.

I can not even really put into words how pissed I am. People were saying this at the time and were ridiculed as being crazy. Russia did it, is doing it, and will do it again, because Trump will not stop and is helping them to do this.

Now playing

So Hotep King Tariq Nasheed is a Russian Agent? So I guess Talcum X/Martin Luther Keyboard fake ass activist Shaun King is one also. For real we always say there’s money to made in coonin but Hoteping appears to be just as profitable. I dedicate this to all of you fake woke brothers and sisters to woke to vote, all of

I am sorry for yelling but it must be said: I WOULD SLAM THAT LIKE A SCREEN DOOR IN A HURRICANE. Beard or no beard, Jason Momoa is a full meal and then some.

I mean, he was so hideous as a young 20-something on Baywatch without a beard and with short hair.

Let me be the very first to say: still would.

Are you kidding?  My cousin isn’t from Canada!

I think he looks better without it. 

It’s not absolutely impossible to advance without one though

A good beard will get you far in life.

Why do I have the feeling this is going to be a more intense version of Funny Games.

The news can’t tell you how something feels. 

Get Out gave this white woman a glimpse of the horror black people must routinely feel when a police car pulls up. I’m excited for a new film!

Your housemate was a monster! The season 1 finale was a masterpiece.

Once a housemate and I had a fight over something stupid I can’t remember now, so he took the last disc out of the Veronica Mars season 1 DVD and hid it. Then it must have got accidentally thrown out (SO HE SAID), and I had to look up the episodes on the internet, and this is before easy access streaming was really a

She WAS married to Johnny Depp...