Watchtower Leydi

Well Gandhi also historically said a lot of asshole racist shit about Black folks from Africa AND India. So........

I’m so glad Shade Court has fame even outside our dearest Jezebel Land.

JLaw as Galinda!

OMG thanks! That was my immediate thought, too :’)

Yay! Kat-san is back :)

Osaka Castle truly is stunning.
I have travelled a lot in Japan, and somehow this is the one that does it for me.

I wonder if there’s a reason why it’s not lauded more often?

I know, right? I feel like I should send her a super positive mail to make up for the flow of WORST PEOPLE that she is eventually going to get :(
Should we start a group mail here?

Good call! I actually hadn’t noticed her. So funny!

I feel like such an old...I can’t believe these aren’t real. And yet I keep looking.

Thank you!

Hey sorry if this is inappropriate but seeing as how no one is elaborating and I’m pretty interested (since I used to dig Yoganerd), how can I find out?

OMG What is wrong with you people??!!! Your seriously rather eat in than not make friends?

Idk tbqh...

My biggest takeaway: why are I never thought of eating Cheetos with chopsticks before? Genius!

100% would eat this beautiful nomable child.

Admit it! You just want him to write to you!



Wait, what, Mr. Finger? Several of you have been up there?

(ok, I’ll show myself out :p)

You will be deeply missed, Mark. But I hope to someday have a chance to treat you to lunch anytime you’re in France.