For a moment, I thought this was Michelle Williams...
I honestly don't know what to say...
Hmm, we ain't got no time for that!
Oh trust's not the same!!
No more abs?
Honest question : what do the trigger warnings take out of anything?
Guilty pleasure for me
I can help but think that Gawker and Jezebel are the ones trolling us, with the amount of info and subtle sarcasm.
I for one believe Beyoncé has become the mask she used to wear.
I hear it all the time though. Just like "The Sudan".
You should get OVER 9000 stars!
Also, I wonder what origin Dodai is.
No kiss..?
Yeah...and that sounds to much like Mittens ("you know who"),
You made my day with this!! Thanks!
That's actually why I clicked on the post!!
Wait, you guys...Doug is gone???
Not to sound like a total level 68 Square, but...I'm SO glad caffeine is winning, and not some potentially more damaging drug or alcohol.