
The PALM OIL obvs.

when I heard him say that I wished they had actually filmed it for like a mid credits scene or something.

I love that Rogelio keeps calling Mateo Matelio.

But… what happened to Harry the hippo!

I loved that Rogelio sent Matelio a ropology basket too.

The actor playing "David" said on Twitter that he was. I probably wouldn't have figured it out otherwise.

Liked seeing Artemis Pebdani on my tv again. I hope she makes a reappearance on Its Always Sunny next.

When she got sick my first thought was, oh no they're writing in her pregnancy. Hope it's not the case.

Once we found out Toby didn't die, I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop and have him die in surgery or something. I'm glad for Kate he didn't, and he was less annoying (to me) in this episode than in the others.

I thought the bad review was gonna tie into the gentrification storyline where someone was making all these bad reviews for the old businesses…

Roy Choi. I only recognized him from Top Chef.

It normally would have bothered me too but I kind of got the sense that they were doing it to get rid of Frank harassing the kids.

I kinda thought Ian would bring it up when he said he was his father. Maybe the writers have already forgotten it.

I don't even remember who that is. The only other student from their class that has a name?

Derek Bailey

I feel like she did tell Owen, around when Samuel died. I know there was a church scene but I can't temember what they talked about specifically.

I must have missed that. I think I tuned out at the very end.

So who else thinks Shantel VanSanten will be back to play Wyatt's dead wife.

There was an interview he did, I think maybe with EW about how they hadn't planned to cast him and he had to read or audition for it.

Yeah he was. It made me want to go back and see those episodes again.