
I must have watched too many law and order svu episodes today cause I was thinking maybe his niece story wasn't true and he was a pedophile or something.

Rhys was so out of character this episode. I really thought he would have been the one to report the painting so she'd miss the flight and he could have Benji to himself.

I couldn't remember if it was just the choir or statues too. Not so much a rip off of CEG but a callback to season 1.

Didn't the statues sing in the first season too?

I'm re-watching the episode now and seeing all the little things I missed.

Yeah I understand that, and I agree that Michael is the better choice in terms of a partner. But the beginning of the show had Michael being a complete ass and I thought the chemistry between Jane and Rafael was great, and I became invested in them. I just hate that the writers never gave Jane and Rafael a real chance

Michael has actually grown on me the last few episodes but it still makes me sad she didn't pick Rafael. Maybe if they had shown more of the Jane/Michael relationship before she chose Rafael I would be on team Michael.

I remember a comment a while ago that the names in the credits changes every episode.

Yeah, I figured when Cosima decided to go they would give her some kind of disguise at least.

Was the guy with the trail the same one from an earlier season when it gets cut off? I can't remember which episode it might be in, to check.

They said her last phone calls were to a morgue.

I got caught in the age thing too and I figured she either had another kid or had an abortion cause she definitely was older than that.

Edison wasnt the agent Rowan had seduce Olivia.

In winter soldier they used Fitz's invention to make the holes to escape.

The scene where she talks about sleeping wi inappropriate men reminded me of grey's/Meredith.

I didn't really see the point of all the drama with her father being back.

When I was watching Tina drive the kids to school I was thinking, didn't she JUST hit that tree? And then they showed the front bumper all dinged up. Not quite sure she'd be my first pick to watch my children..

That cliche always makes me think of Dawson's dad dropping his ice cream cone on Dawson's creek.

I agree, it didn't seem like either choice had a bad outcome, so waiting just seemed confusing to me. Like, obviously you want pressure to stop a bleed, but it seemed like longer than an hour went by and I'd think you could do the same thing in.. 20 minutes at the most?

I pretty much hate watched the final season just to see who would die.