
I don't remember INC being there, but I saw that ATDI & MCD show. It was just ok, really.

Me me me please.

This is one of those echo-chamber cultural opinions that I've completely missed. I saw the movie, was entertained. It never dawned on me that it was "bad" until I started reading articles like this.

Sublime is a terrible band, but Rockabye Baby can do no wrong. We have several of them and they're 100% awesome.

No Sub isn't all bad, and even still not bad in the ways NMoH is. It's the next worse record, but its best songs trump Maps' best hands down.

I think the words "A Comedic Masterstroke" above a picture of Paul Reubens is a comedic masterstroke.

She chose to use Shutterstock as her sales medium. They bought an image through Shutterstock. Done and done.

Adnan and an and an and an.

"2001’s The Process Of Belief, isn’t a return to form: It’s the forging of a new form."

NMoH is their only truly bad record.

'Struck A Nerve' was the first BR song I ever heard and it was a life-changing moment. It was as if everything that informed my tastes was being presented in a single package. I still remember exactly where I was when it came on. Since then I've seen them probably 20+ times. I don't listen to them that much

You could probably crib together a pretty good record between NoSub and TNA. 'In So Many Ways,' 'Hear It,' 'Let It Burn,' 'Don't Sell Me Short'…

Believe It is funny because it's Brett's unofficial return to the band (that's his solo), but it sounds like he just recorded it in LA and emailed it to Hawaii where they cut the record. And rather than risk pissing him off by editing it to fit the song, it just trails off.

It's "Watcho!" Trust me.

I'm a bigger Bad Religion fan than you are and here's how it goes:
1. Suffer
2. Process
3. Recipe
4. Generator
5. Gray Race

So what you're saying is it's exactly the movie my kids want to see. Excellent.


The idea was that neither knew very much about 'techno' despite being in these massively popular synth bands, so they tried making some. The real nugget here is simply hearing these two guys collaborate for the first time since 1981.

The Child Inside
