


Nobody mentions it much but Morrissey's current band is pretty phenomenal. I say this as a casual fan who caught the most recent tour.

An Ozzfest by any other name would smell as sweat.

As for me and my house, we will laugh at that.

When the insides go up in flames and all the occupants are stuck inside its impervious walls, make sure the fire marshall's wreath has a little plaque which reads, "this deathtrap had soul, and now has 37 more."

" Listen, I knew this was going to work. I mean, Gaga is a metal chick at heart. There was no way this was not going to work. It was totally in her DNA. It was totally in her wheelhouse. This was not not going to work. The only question was at what level it was going to work."

The capitol building is in Austin, not Houston. Unless…my God…

Does of Montreal still do all the stuff? I stopped being able to listen to them after 'Hissing Fauna,' and stopped being able to watch them…sometime afterwards. I ostensibly still like them.

I'm fairly certain I saw these guys open for Depeche Mode, or maybe that was Machines of Loving Grace. Are Stabbing Westward and Machines of Loving Grace the same band?

Anybody going to the show tonight please PM or post that Meat Beat setlist. I HAVE TO KNOW.

I was straight ride-or-die for Rdio. Even the guts of it repurposed for Pandora has more excited than any of the other streaming services out there.

While I enjoy a hastily-penned punk song, the same isn't really true of punk reviews. While I agree with the opinion of this one, the style is maddening. While that won't turn me off from the AVC, I hope the writer learns from this experience. While we wait for that, this is a good record to pass the time. While

I don't know why "the toys" is used pejoratively. I had those toys and cherished playing with them. Rogue One is exactly the kind of Star Wars side story my figures played out in my backyard every day for years. There was a time when you couldn't watch any Star Wars film on demand at home, and arguably those toys

Nobody, thanks to Mr.Snyder.

If he wants to hold a fundraiser at Funkwerks I'll gladly pitch in.

you two are so cute.


It may have been her first 7-inch, but if I have anything to do with it it won't be her last.

"The answer to Randall's question as it pertains to this particular brand of storytelling is 'no' - they serve a particular function and have no desire to do otherwise, and we should not expect any efforts at transcendence."