
"Why were all those people in the towers told to sit at their desks from 8am to 5pm until a service person arrived?!" Loose Change IV - Sacagawea Dollar

There's certainly nothing edgy about Spoon, and certainly their context (mid 90's, Austin, Merge) contributes to their positive reputation. That said, those things aren't detractions, and their music teeters between "fun" and "pleasant." I agree that there's few Spoon songs that would be considered in the same light

I like Spoon and all, but I'd pick fugazi over them in any context were I given the chance.

Telephono > SoS.

Rise Up with Fists, brah.

Besides quality of content, there's production quality as well. People will pay to see professional-looking movies and they won't pay (as much, anyway) to see amateurish-looking ones. My observation is that independent filmmakers frequently make mistakes allocating their resources, so you wind up with movies that


I get the confidence, but disagree with the premise that maturity has anything to do with poppiness, so to speak. I understand maturation of songwriting and so forth, but that doesn't have anything to do with sound or tempo.

I really liked Born to Die and think it's hilarious how Stereogum, Pitchfork, etc are all just so on top of the "Lana Del Rey is a character created by Lizzy Grant" concept now, despite slut-shaming her lack of authenticity last time. I gotta agree with the overall review here, Ultraviolence is pretty much a one-note


I've always liked OOT, and I love Radio Song. SHP is just fine too, frankly. People who bitch about that record are just looking for something to bitch about. You know what sucks? Side 2 of 'Document.'

Saw these guys thoroughly bore a room full of people a few weeks ago. They were lifeless, and the tunes very little going on as well. When they said "we're Stagnant Pools" it was pretty apt.

Somebody's got a greatest hits cd.

I had a long-running, formative romantic relationship that more or less began with "…because I really like Depeche Mode…"

Is that Philip Seymore Hoffman in God's Pocket or are you just glad to see me?

I always assume Rhett has a jam or two in his back pocket for every record, but I'd be surprised to hear a solid 11-track album pulled from everything post TFTC. For me, it used to be that their occasional clunkers were easily forgiven by all the other tunes. Now it seems the better tunes are dragged down by some

Is that the show at Gruene Hall? I was there. It was pretty good.

They toured like beasts when 'Too Far To Care' came out, I bet I saw them 20 times for that record. Their shows were sweaty and awesome, and they basically had 3 killer records to pull from. I bought 'Fight Songs' the morning it came out and I've never really liked their records ever since. From that point on their

Like yr momz.

If that's a Lambic/Night on Earth joke then you beat me to it, soulmate.