
You mean like Elton John or RuPaul?

Actually, Amazon stated in the announcement that the Prime membership price hasn't gone up in 8 years or so, and the bump is to cover increased logistics costs like gas, etc. It's still as cheap as a year of Netflix, plus you get all the Amazon stuff.

Argo is the reason 'American Hustle' won't win, because it's ostensibly the same movie. I enjoyed both (I greatly enjoyed AH), but no way BP goes to back-to-back leisure suit espionage caper comedies.

Uh…they gave her all those outfits to be in and utterly peerless lighting. I know it's not gonna move the story along, but it's impossible for me to imagine that a 50 yr old female actor could hope for much more glorious exposure than this show has offered her.

try Steven Sodabergh


With any luck they'll split the 6th season out over 3 years, 4 episodes each.

I'm going to see Arcade Fire, Ellie Goulding, Niko Case, Bastille, QOTSA, Lorde, Mogwai, Neutral Milk Hotel, Disclosure, Superchunk, Washed Out, Waxahatchee, and Darkside all without leaving my home town that is known for being overlooked on national tours. With rare exception, if you're going to Coachella, it's


I don't think the point of the article is which album by which band is the best per se, it's more about the changes bands made that led to their ultimate compromise/demise. Regardless of where the agreed-upon creative peak is, most of these bands made a series of decisions that caused them to implode. So coming from

Houdini and (A) Senile Animal are both awesome places to start. And for what it's worth, The Melvins aren't really a band you're going to need 10 albums from, unless you discover you're a person who needs every album. Also: go see them. They tour all the time, and if possible, make sure it's a show with the Big

It's hard to believe this girl has had drug-related legal issues.

I think it's a bit of revisionist history to call anything on LTI 'parody.' That's what the Beasties were doing back then, regardless of what they became.

Pink is def!

We're not a punk band anymore, we're a new wave band.

It seems totally fair for Tim Kasher to compare a song he hasn't really heard to a musical he hasn't really seen.

I saw that headline and came looking for exactly this comment.  Well played.

AM! finished tracking the TTSR a couple of weeks ago.  The studio band was Laura, James Bowman, Fat Mike, & Atom Willard.

*psst!* It's about the fans who would hold them to exactly that kind of standard.

I didn't realize people didn't like 'Up.'  It's flawless, and that opening sequence is the best mainstream animation arc in the history of movies.