
I think this record's biggest problem is it came out the same week as the new Surfer Blood, which pretty much covers all the same bases a lot better.  I don't mean to suggest that you can't listen to both, just that this one is gonna have to wait in line for multiple spins.

This is where we are, when 2 months on the road qualifies as a "huge" tour.  I hope his employer pays overtime.

You know that dude's got the 3 1/2.

Now that you mention it, please sit tight until Prince's lawyers contact you with further instructions pertaining to your death.

Wall*E + Demolition Man ÷ Independence Day = Oblivion

The trailer for 6 looks awesome.

"trying" is definitely the word I'd use to describe their music lately.

You obviously haven't heard 'The Terror' yet.

I remember reading in the 'Finally The Punk Rockers Are Taking Acid' liners Wayne's essay about not really taking or liking many drugs, but appreciating the freedom and creativity of psychedelic music.  That really struck a chord with me, and it makes me sad (and somewhat disinterested) to read about how now he's

I actually enjoyed Cars 2 quite a bit.  FWIW I also liked Cars as a way above-average children's movie.  Granted, I didn't have to watch it ten million times with my kid…  I know it's a maligned entry in the Pixar catalog, but I think it's ok for them to put out the occasional film that is purely intended as

The problem is only that listening to sucky songs sucks; it also sucks when a band you like chooses to embarrass themselves for 4 minutes in the middle of an otherwise terrific entertainment.  But of course, I take it all with a grain of salt.  I don't think 'The Child Inside' is any dumber than 'Little 15,' it's just

I think there's a difference between discussion of the record as it is, and what you take away for personal listening.

If 'Delta Machine' were trimmed from 13 tracks down to 9 or 10 like 'Violator' or 'SOFAD,' then this record would be unstoppable.  I'd lose the opening track, 'The Child Inside,' and 'Slow.'  I may make and take that version along with me for a while.

"Get away from me, you witch!"

I'm no audiophile either, but I like vinyl.  I like it because I like it, there's really nothing more to it.  I pay for a streaming subscription to Rdio, which covers most of my needs, and when something exciting comes out I scratch my itch to own a physical copy by hitting up my local record shop.  I probably buy

I really like their ep.

From the Delta Machine sessions:

Wow, really?  Because that was one of their most subdued tours.  I say subdued because, as a fan, that's the respectful word we use for "boring."  Tour of the Universe was awe.some.

Vince Clarke actually helped out on the new DM record.

Why?  DM always always play here, and these days, so do most bands.  Even the hipster indie bands play here now.