
You must be listening in America, then.


I think that's part of Trace's appeal; besides being good, it's also wholly unconcerned with UT's break up or whatever Tweedy is doing.  AM on the other hand, while good, is very clearly trying to declare its independence and make a mark.  It's so self-conscious that I think it taints the album in ways.

Yeah, 'Trace.'  The reason why Farrar retains any goodwill at all is because 'Trace' came out and was as good as any UT record, and better than any Wilco record arguably up until 'Summerteeth.'  IMO 'Summerteeth' sounds the way it does because Tweedy finally gave up trying to beat Farrar at the roots/Americana game.

Dan Bejar interviews are unbearable.  I finally came around to Destroyer after hearing the incredibly compelling 'Kaputt,' and almost had the whole thing dashed by reading the words that come out of his mouth.

"Sam Raimi fuses L. Frank Baum with Army Of Darkness in a spectacle that isn’t nearly as great as that sounds."

That ish Kray.

"Look at this WEIRD ______."

The Terror is NOT that.  It is essentially drone/ambient with Wayne singing sorta-kinda.  Certainly there are folks who will be into that, but it's pretty far from both of those records.

You're the one for me duck fatty
You're the one I really, really love on french fries.

Let's be real though: Kimmel was given a choice and chose Duck Dynasty.

Robert Plant says he'd be up for that in 2014.

Exactly.  Chalk them up as a band that gets on by the singer's charisma, and not any music he's made in over a decade.

Pretty sure that's how you get in utero.


I remember when your mom and sister lived in my happytrail.

Worse than being in LA?

The live album from Foalsom Prison is dope.

Do I like Foals?  I've missed Surfer Blood every time they come through town, although from what I can tell they kind of suck live.  'Astro Coast' is good though.

If you like stuff up your alley, you'll definitely dig The Postal Service.