
Ok but I really am a mixed race though.

Yes and my comments have no basis for calling me a Nazi. Also I am mixed race and proud (genetic diversity brings good health), which goes totally against Nazi ideology (purified white race).

You have no basis for calling me a Nazi. You’re a piece of shit.

Yep, it is. There is a huge problem when people using these numbers apply for credit and that goes on the owner’s record. Causes problems even if they don’t default.

I already know how long it would take. Nobody said breaking the law should be easy-street. Are you kidding me, why should it be? She’s been evading justice for 20 years.

Sorry that’s not how the law works. As this woman is also finding out.

He legally does not pay taxes. If you think that loophole in the law is wrong that’s one thing, but he’s not breaking any laws by it.

She’s paid taxes in the same sense I pay tax whenever I eat out to lunch or shop at Target. Far more than that, she’s sapped resources that could have gone to an American citizen. Unless immigrants are willing to go through the process to legally come here, we would be much better off without them thanks.

Dammit people! We’re enforcing the proper penalties for breaking the law! Just...dammit.

I love the sound of liberal whining. Here’s the point you’re missing.....the GOP controlled the Senate when Garland was nominated. Given that they were in control, it was totally within the prerogative of the Majority Leader whether or not to take up the nomination. The President did his job by making the nomination.

Yes, living in 24/7 panic and mental paralysis is totally the right call. That’s absolutely gonna lead you down the correct and productive path. Good call.

They don’t believe these programs are the responsibility of the federal government. So for now, if you want people to get help you might need to be the one to help them. If you choose not to that’s your choice.

Yeah, like why doesn’t this guy go out and correct the protesters?

418.8 million shares outstanding. 5% is 20.94 million shares. At current price of 233.87 this protest would cost $4.68 Billion to start. And you’ll protest your own equity...

“neener neener neener im on public property you cant call the police” is basically putting your hand right in someones face and saying “not touching you, cant get mad”

Right? “Hey I screamed horrible things at these people. Why can’t they try to engage me in a reasonable conversation?”

If someone came to your house and camped in your front yard and screamed all day and night about how bad you are, you would want to correct the record somehow. Right?

I am sure that Flynn and Kislyak were just chatting about their families and grandchildren. Unfortunately, they couldn’t get together on Flynn’s plane so they had to do it over the telephone. Nothing to see here, right?

Get used to it. I have a feeling he’s going to get a second term easily.

Now that a Republican is in office it’s time for the media to get tough on our officals! Where were you the last eight years?