
That reference to Art Briles has me a little worried. Why exactly is she running to the school? It our rush to get in the side of the victim, should be just ignore these things?

I think Coulter is a witch, but Berkeley is a public university. It’s their responsibility to protect the free speech of everyone. If they’re that worried about violent protests, maybe they should arrest the violent protestors. Using safety as a way to keep certain groups from speaking is a slippery slope.

Every business has debts, that’s nothing new. Trump has businesses and properties overseas, so it stands to reason he’d also have overseas contracts. This is just a nothing story.

Cheeto Hitler

I’ve been saying this for a year: the only people who give a damn about Donald Trump’s tax returns are the people who can’t stand him to begins with. People like us. Nobody else cares. It doesn’t matter how much we want this to be a story that matters to the public, it isn’t one.

You’re correct. No one who is criticizing Trump for this stunt also criticized Hillary for her stunt. You are clearly the smartest person in this room.

Actually what’s dystopian is not having a border and taking one’s chances with whoever chooses to come in, all in the name of some buzzwords like ‘diversity’.

Thank God someone gets it.....the notion that you can tax the billionaires into oblivion and every social do-go program that could benefit all of mankind would instantly be funded is absolutely insane. Bill Gates and Warren Buffett together might not have enough to fund Medicare for one year.

oh boy...

As always, the poor want YOUR money, too, Hamilton.

Except that’s the entire point of taxes. The company pays back into society for all those privileges through state and federal income tax. It’s not like they’re just getting a free ride. They’re paying workers and training fees and insurance and utilities etc. etc. etc. I understand the basic concept, but again,

You. Are. High. Seriously, this is the most insane, class-warfare-y thing I’ve ever read. If your entire argument is to take money away from anyone who’s doing well to redistribute it to the poor, then why would anyone ever want to work hard and make money?? Ok, so you start at the billionaires, then what? Then

The primary fallacy in this argument is this though: This assumes that the person in question didn’t also pay in to the roads, to the schools, to the police and the fire department. They paid in as well. So, negating that, it boils back down to the same thing. I should have their money because I want it.

Well, if we’re going to be honest here, when she “hoards” her billions of dollars that money she doesn’t prevent that money from existing. It’s not in a massive coffee can buried in the yard. That money is banked and invested, and others are able to take advantage of that capital to do things like buy homes and build

You think the Walton’s keep their money in secret vaults somewhere waiting for inflation? No. That money is, in large measure, invested in new companies, ideas and ventures. How else do you think she gets richer. Its not simply by sitting back, she puts the money to work making more money. Sure, some of it is in

But some of us don’t really like socialism. And we’re not even billionaires. Or even millionaires.

Actually “CEO” is a term that means “Chief Executive Officer”, and is usually the title of the person who leads a company, may it be big or small. Sometimes they scam their way to the top, but sometimes it actually does take hard work and accomplishment. Also they may not do the day-to-day nitty gritty, but managing

He’s breaking the law!!! This is really just too much. For the most part I’m liberal but this is just crazy. Why are people ok with he law just blatantly being broken?! I’m referring to illegal immigrants. If you’re not here legally then you should not be here. If you are here legally then ok.

The value of my computer exceeds $3k, between parts and software. I use the computer for, among other things, supporting physicians at a major hospital system. I am literally assisting people in saving lives. Care to tell me that this is excessive?