
Interesting thing about that chart is that there was a very large plunge that preceded Reagan, that occurred in the last half of the 70's.Who caused that?

Inequality per se is not a bad thing. Bill Gates making 6 billion dollars makes no one else worse off, in fact it made many millions of peoples lives better. However, Bill Gates making 6 billion dollars no doubt increased economic inequality in this country.

Question for you Hamilton. Since the the top 1% has 40% of all income, and pays 50% of all taxes. What percentage do you feel is fair? Tell me how much more than 50% would make you happy?

President-elect’s team instructed the head of the National Nuclear Security Administration and his deputy to clean out their desks when Trump takes office on January 20th.


I voted for Trump. What do you want us to say, “grow up and stop your crying?” I didn’t think so, so as we have for the year leading up to the election we’ll probably remain silent and just laugh to ourselves at your meltdowns.


no, both sides have those that are violent, immoral, close-minded, unaccepting BUT there’s only one side that likes to paint itself as progressive, open-minded, morally superior, and better than thou and that’s the libs

Meanwhile illegal immigrants have no problem finding work.

It sucks that they dont have jobs and feel like nobody cares about them. If they were robbing stores or selling drugs or stolen goods to make money that thought process might actually hold water. But A) they were torturing someone. There’s no economic gain from that. And B) thats not an excuse. Lots of people of

Who has been in charge of the government of Chicago for the last 40 years?

would you post the full video so that people can see somebody getting raped

This woud be a great article to bring up the Liberal Muslim that said she was attacked by Trump supporters yet lied.

Sure when Obama came into office and had a filibuster proof Senate and House majority that really prevented him from doing anything. But, please keep calling people names, that really adds to your argument.

No comment that in about 2008 the graph goes, basically, straight up? It looks like the inequality went down under the Bush administration and then right back up and, likely, to its highest level under Obama. No article about that, huh?

A college degree doesn’t guarantee individual financial success, particularly with so many shitty degrees being offered. Colleges sell a lot of bad degrees that aren’t of any value, but if people are willing to buy them, they’re more than willing to meet demand. And they are.

Here’s my problems: There are now like 60 million people in America “left behind.” Corporate income can’t bring all those people along. Also, we are pissing away billions into public school systems. Can someone write an analysis that takes into account the collapse of public schools, and pleas don’t tell me we need

To paraphrase the Duke, Life is hard. It’s harder when you’re unskilled.

My god will the hunt for people to blame never cease? What is with you? How many enemies do you need? Why, at the end of the election, are liberals so set on finding out-group enemies rather than looking in at ANYTHING they do or say?

Notably absent from this list, Hillary Clinton and Debbie Wasserman Shultz. They might have been Trump’s opposition but there is no way we have a president Trump without them.