
You’re right that it is possible that she got/used the SSN before she got pregnant, but that would mean she did it at 18, since she got pregnant at 19, and then went undetected working the same job for 9 years. Certainly plausible, but I think it’s more likely that she used it afterwards. Admittedly pure conjecture.

“If you don’t ‘love’ and ‘care’ like they do, they will destroy you”

Says = spun

You’re exactly right. She had a child at 19, and THEN decided to commit a felony.

Hardly. In fact, I’d be willing to bet that I paid more in taxes in January than you made last year.

I’m fully expecting to be lectured about “tolerance” next.


Very decent of you to respond in this manner.

Well thought out response. Keep trying to shout down the other side. That helps the validity of your positions.

This is a commendably thought out reasoning. My rebuttal to the moral question would be the fact that she knew the risks before committing the crime. As I’ve mentioned in other places (not sure about in our thread, so I apologize if this is redundant), we can infer that she was aware of this by her son’s comments

She knew the potential consequences before she did it, as can be inferred by her son commenting that they feared her deportation since her arrest in 2008. She chose to proceed with the felony anyway.

Those are absolutely plausible scenarios and 100% valid. While we’re on the topic of things that seem silly, it seems silly to me that someone who does not have legal status and then knowingly broke another law (a felony, no less), AFTER becoming an adult, living here for 12 yrs and having a child, and was fully

That sounds good to me.

If he’s guilty of tax evasion, the IRS would have prosecuted years ago. Move on.

I said net. That means what did he/she put in - what he/she receives.

Yes, I absolutely get where you’re coming from. Can you see where I’m coming from that our country shouldn’t be required just let people without legal status stay after they commit additional crimes just because they put down roots? I’m not saying this is an easy situation, but she chose to commit another crime, and

There is a clear, legal difference between avoiding and evading. Tax avoidance is perfectly legal (everyone avoids paying as much tax as possible). Tax evasion is a different story.

I’m not arguing that she stole money from the woman whose SSN she stole. But that doesn’t mean that the victim isn’t a victim. Even if she didn’t have to hire (or pay) a lawyer to retrieve her SSN, she was still violated. (BTW, thank you for having a polite discussion. That’s rather rare here)

She was convicted of felony identity theft. Not fraud. If she’d just used some random assortment of numbers, that’d be fraud. She was not convicted of fraud. She was convicted of felony identity theft. (Sorry for repeating myself, I’ve been watching a lot of Rachel Maddow).

She was 26yrs old and had been in the country for 12yrs before she decided to roll the dice and use someone else’s SSN.