Smack it on the Bing Bong

I actually think this would make a great replacement for the Comanche and maybe one of the XJs. After he meets his deadline, that is. This is an interesting vehicle he likes that is in good shape but the dime a dozen junkers are what brought his life to a crisis.

Thanks for proving my point ;) 

Seriously. $750? Not a lot of rust and so unique, once he gets it running, he can keep it or turn a hefty profit instantly.

Its because its in too good a shape. No seriously. I don’t get it. So you were eager and happy to buy a whole bunch of junker super common XJ’s and stuff but not this? If it were me I would buy this, sell literally everything else you have except your daily driver and restore this one. It looks to be in pretty good

Is this related to David’s upcoming announcement of his next project?

I remote start my car 5 minutes before I get in.  Works even better!

how many cars need to be sold for Honda to continue selling them?

Fuck you, Honda.  And fuck the other carmakers as well. It’s a shame to see the most affordable cars being axed.  And in the case of the Fit, a great car is being axed. 

It’s more fun to some people, including me. Wheeling doesn’t need to be about optimization or ease-of-use. It’s an inherently illogical hobby, after all!

Do we have to flip through a slide show to see other pictures of it?

yes but that would look poor

When are we going to stop pretending that shitbox econo cars from the 80's are somehow loved and missed? The reason it only has 17k on it is because they are TERRIBLE FUCKING CARS and the original owner quickly realized it. 7k? There’s no way.

Look it has “interesting speaker patterns” and great headliner material. What the hell is your definition of driving excitement?

I don’t care if they recline back to the point where they are curled up in my lap. Just don’t do disgusting shit like take off your shoes, change baby diapers in the main cabin (on the tray, no less!), or clip nails.

it doesn’t look half bad. It’s the one in the back, behind the Scout.

“I also said that his store was the most convenient and that if he sent a competitive quote there was a pretty good chance that he would get the deal. I also said that if he didn’t give me numbers there would be a 100 percent chance he would lose the deal. He opted to let the other store get the business.”

A car sitting in a garage makes 0 horsepower.

Truck people need not apologize for their choice in vehicle, just like no one in a sports car should apologize for theirs. The whole hating on trucks/cuvs/SUVs things is dumb and tired. Don’t like that I get less mpgs than you? Eat a scabby dick and worry about your own pitiful and sad existence.


Loaner helmets are free gross