Whoo hoo!! Ladies finding music for themselves AND for the menfolk in their lives!
Whoo hoo!! Ladies finding music for themselves AND for the menfolk in their lives!
Going down rabbit holes of related artists is seriously one of the easiest ways to find music you’re likely to enjoy. For people who are able to go to a lot of shows, opening acts can serve a similar purpose. It is harder to find things outside of the genre’s one typically sticks to, but it’s not impossible.
Impossible to know.
Oh my god, that is one of the most annoying things to me. I want to roll my eyes right out of my head whenever that happens, which is far too often. Not just re: music, but with anything. It’s amazing how often a woman suggests something, a man ignores her, and then later he suggests the same thing like it was his…
Yes my bad for thinking that my experiences of being a woman would outweigh the theories of a man
Right? So crazy. But everyone knows women don’t know how to use the internet.
I totally understand where you’re coming from, and I think there are a lot of people who do struggle with finding new music. But I don’t buy at all that it is limited to women, even if that’s how it shakes out amongst your friends.
You’re right, my bad. Gotta ask for permission first and probably find a chaperone.
It’s definitely one of the weirder things I’ve heard in a while. I’ve never heard of women having trouble finding music on their own, but yeah, I guess just add it to the ever-growing list of dumb things men are wrong about :/
Go find the nearest man and ask him to play some for you ASAP
Fun fact: I, a lady, am responsible for introducing my brother - a musician - to a healthy number of his favorite bands, singers, etc. He has sent a few my way as well, but on the music discovery front, I’m doing fine on my own.
I haven't watched much of the show, but she has always seemed to have a pretty good sense of humor. I think it'd be vital in order to survive that circus.
The idea that people with HIV “deserved” it is so ingrained in some people even to this day. No one deserves it. Not Charlie Sheen, not anyone. The stigma has lessened significantly in the last two decades, but it’s still there.
For real! Steinem was Christian Bale’s father’s partner for years, and they were married for three years until Bale’s father died.
I was very young then, but I’ve heard his story over the years and it is brutally unfair. We’ve come a long way, but clearly not far enough yet.
I honestly don't know that I could articulate it exactly, she just seems like the one who would be the least insufferable to spend time with, and the most likely to tell Kris Jenner to fuck off.
Hell yes! That's awesome! Imagine the world if every garbage collector went on strike for a few weeks? I can't even fathom it. They are for real my heroes.
Sent you a DM.
Because that’s the kind of fear-mongering lunacy that should be left in the past. Being in the same room as someone with HIV does not put you at any risk unless you are fucking them without a condom or sharing needles with them and they haven’t been taking their meds.
I knew a boy growing up who had AIDS, after contracting HIV from a blood transfusion the day he was born. I still remember everyone speaking about him in hushed whispers and being told by adults not to touch him. It breaks my heart knowing what a lonely life he led because of people’s fear and ignorance.