Just followed ya.
Just followed ya.
Garbage collectors are my heroes. Jenny McCarthy? Not so much.
I’ve always been partial to Kourtney for some reason but Khloé regularly gives her a run for her money. Any time she reaches summits Mount IDGAF, it is a thing of beauty.
It's okay, Star Trek is way better anyway ;)
Excellent plan!
A lot of it is nonsense, but it can be a fun diversion and a great way to get information. It’s all in how you use it! Glad you’re getting something positive out of it.
Vomiting is the appropriate reaction.
He was so perfect for that role. I need to watch that movie again soon, it’s been ages since I’ve seen it.
It took me a looooooooong time to finally give in and join. I only finally broke down and got into it a few months ago. It’s the best (and at times, worst) way to take in breaking news events. The info will almost always be there first. It’s all in who you follow and how you use it.
I know. I’m crushed. It’s a lot to take in at once, and I feel terrible for those who were let go today. The nice thing about the internet is that the likelihood that the writers we love will pop up elsewhere is high. Best thing you can do is follow them on Twitter and give them the clicks they deserve, wherever it is…
I think that book would be worth reading for many reasons, but now you’ve given me another one. I need to know!
I’ve never really heard flattering things about his mom. That’s a shame.
If it’ll keep anyone else from wearing them, I’m all for it!
Newsies is one of my favorite movies from my childhood. The soundtrack is so damn good and it was tremendous fun.
I believe it. He just seems like the slimiest mofo alive.
I was super into the Christian Bale of Drew Barrymore’s late teen years. I absolutely loved him as Laurie in Little Women and Jack in Newsies. The Christian Bale of right now? Hard pass.
I’ve seen a lot of horrendous sports injuries, but this has got to be top 3 or so. Unbelievable.
So many more.
I think he and his wife hating each other and putting their suddenly-enormous family on reality TV may have had something to do with it, too. The Ed Hardy shirts were the nail in the coffin.