🎶seizing the means of production🎶
🎶seizing the means of production🎶
Based on the highlights quoted, her book does sound very dish-y.
all that song did was make me want to read naya’s book
my worst Miss U.
Holy shit
Sadly, he had no idea what to do when he reached third base
When news of Curtis Hanson’s death broke last night, I opened Twitter and found just what I expected: movie fans…
is this gonna be like a ben affleck thing where brad goes and lives in george clooney’s pool house for a few months because
Goddamn Laura Wasser is career goals.
I’ll proudly wear the Mean Girls Label if it’s because I am sick of your constant nonsense. Mean Girls forever.
NO. Stop it. God, every single time you lose you’re cool and get your narrative pushed back on you resort to this “I’m pathetic, lonely and a loser” routine.
I hate Tracy Anderson too. Her “method” is a load of horse shit based on pseudoscience. She thinks every woman should have “a teeny, tiny dancer’s body.” She also once said that women shouldn’t lift anything heavier than 5 lbs; MY 180 LB DEADLIFT SAYS DIFFERENTLY TRACY. #fucktracyanderson #noreally
Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. I hate myself.
Just wanted to go on record and tell you all that In Her Shoes is one of my top 10 favorite movies of all time.
“Nah he just got his bell rung a bit.”
With the NFL season starting tomorrow, you have likely already drafted your fantasy team(s). Who did you take? We…
Nope, common misconception. The most common type of hand sanitizer doesn’t contain antimicrobials. It just dries out the germs with alcohol, which is not a thing they can develop resistance to.