Lady Hazel of Wassername

I can’t knit to save my life, but someone shared this gorgeous pattern with me a while back and it makes me wish I could!

Yeah, it was pretty bad last weekend. I didn’t see it at all this week but admittedly I wasn’t on Jezebel much this week. Is it still happening? Any time you see that, flag the posts and send an email to tips[at]jezebel[dot]com, include a link to the offending account, and explain what’s going on.

I am sooo sorry! I saw my dog get hit by a car when I was in high school, and it was so traumatizing. He ended up recovering well (a whole bunch of $$ later) but it was really difficult to get over. Not an easy thing to see. I’m glad your baby will be all right but that’s still so scary. Just shower her with love and

That looks beautiful! Great job!

We had some Sesame Street game on our ancient Apple II when I was a kid and it was the best. I don’t remember anything about it beyond an image of Big Bird, but I loved it so much.

Congrats on the new job! And truthfully there are few things I hate more than TB tests, so I feel you on wanting to rip your arm off!

deerlady83 mentioned elsewhere in this SNS that she’s doing it, too! I’m sure there are others here who have tried it as well, so hopefully they can lend you some advice.

Hey y’all, I haven’t popped by SNS in a while, but right now I’m stuffed full of sweet & sour chicken, my knee is coated in Icy Hot, and I’m watching hockey so I figured I’d drop in. Glad to see some good news, more lovely people out of the greys, and people being supportive of one another <3

I could buy that, definitely

Tracee Ellis Ross looks exactly the same now. Magic. That woman is so damn beautiful.

I will be crushed but not surprised if they change the coupon policy. The day I learned you could use “expired” coupons was life-changing, and I haven’t bought anything there over $5 without a coupon ever since. I feel no guilt over this whatsoever since they’ve brought it on themselves.

He’s lovely.

I thought that was incredibly touching. I’m a veteran and so I really appreciate how much Harry does for military personnel and veterans all over the world. I think that for him that’s just where he feels most at home, since he has ‘been there’ too.

This made me laugh a lot for some reason (probably the overly dramatic headline)

I didn't need a quiz to tell me what I already know, though the quiz did back me up - I am 100% a cat lady. No ragrets.

Honestly I think part of it is that Celine Dion’s fans are more likely to have disposable income to spend on outrageously-priced tickets. No offense to Britney, but when deciding on the best balance between a nice hotel, booze, and going out in general, going to Britney’s show isn’t going to be that high on the


The stretchier stuff I totally understand, and the dress she has on in the photos in this post looks beautiful and far more comfortable than most of the stuff she’s worn while pregnant. A lot of the other outfits have been very structured and heavy and wouldn’t necessarily be comfortable even if she weren’t pregnant.

Agreed. I love this one on her, and it looks a lot more comfortable than other things she’s worn recently.

I do think part of it is she likes dressing up because it makes her feel more human, less whale. That’d make sense that more form-fitting but still flexible stuff would feel more comfortable for her. The heels, though, I cannot imagine wearing. Not a chance.