Lady Hazel of Wassername

That’s how I feel about it. Maybe she feels happier dressing up for any number of reasons, and if so, good for her. You do you, Kim. I just can’t imagine many of those outfits are remotely comfortable, and it makes me wonder how much of that is truly what she wants to wear and how much of it she feels pressured to

I feel really badly for Kim in this instance, and I like that she’s saying, “hey, this isn’t fucking magical. It hurts and I feel fat and awful and have to pee all the time.” On top of that she’s got health issues that I’m sure add a great deal of anxiety on top of normal pregnancy worries. Not fun.

Not that it’s up

The only people that I regularly, joyfully hug are my nieces, who are all 10 and younger. They are sweet and adorable and hug with their whole hearts. If some rando tried to hug me during a funeral I would probably punch them in the face. I don’t blame you for being angry about it so long after the fact.

I haven’t seen that! I’ll have to take a look.

I saw someone do this on Twitter the other day after defending people wearing blackface or dressing up as Native Americans for Halloween. He was like, “Well my girlfriend is Native American, so STFU, BOOM, ROASTED” and a bunch of people were like, “LOL nah, bro. Try again.”

That sounds like a pretty bearable alternative, but frustrating nonetheless.

That is a very, very apt description.

Lucid dreaming really fascinates me. The human brain is unbelievably cool.

#NoHugZone #BanHugging

Oh my god noooo that is t e r r i b l e

No fucking way! That is amazing. Your brain is amazing.

Jesus!! Too far! Good for you for shutting it down.

I feel like it’s probably more for showing-off purposes, like giving guests a tour of the basement, but it is odd. That being said this is something my grandmom (who was an opera singer) absolutely would have done if she could have, so I find it a bit more endearing than obnoxious. It is odd, though.

Yup it me

I do have a few friends I hug somewhat regularly, but they also never force it which is nice.

That sounds absolutely amazing in every way and I am very envious of you right now.

Ugh, that absolutely sucks.

Older people are the worst about it. I hate when they do that thing where they put their hand on your arm the whole time they’re talking to you. UGH.

I am *not* a hugger, but my mom is one of those people who feels like if you refuse to hug her you are rejecting her and her love and obviously you hate her. My brother isn’t a hugger either but we’ve kind of accepted that a few times a year, we have to hug my mom to appease her and just deal with it.

1000, easily. Don't google it.