Lady Hazel of Wassername

I BADLY want to get my hands on this one:

Goes without saying!!

If it does, please report back!

Well now I have discovered a dream I never knew I had: having frozen yogurt in Barbra Streisand’s basement mall.

That feels all-too-familiar to me. That is the world I grew up in. I even went to a Christian high school for two years before I broke down and just said, “No more. No fucking more.” At this high school, our health class was split up - the guys got actual health and sex education, and the girls got a class about

That sounds like a horrible way to go. Are there any kind of regulations on the use of those chambers? And I'm really curious what kind of training is required to operate them.

It's a sad thing to witness, especially when people like the Duggars are the public face those old beliefs. It's just one of so many examples of people picking and choosing parts of the Bible to suit their worldview, rather than actually trying to live in a Christ-like way.

Which they are very good at. But I mean counterproductive to growing the church, or at the bare minimum, maintaining attendance levels. Fewer and fewer women in the church accept that they are ‘meant’ to be second place, which is a good thing for women but a bad thing for stubborn fundamentalists.

Trust me, I’m aware of that. My dad is a part-time conservative pastor and my brother works in a church.

The obsession of some conservative churches on enforcing traditional gender roles is so counterproductive. They struggle to fill leadership roles yet won’t even consider women who are willing and qualified simply because they don’t have a dick. Constant sermons about “real men” and “real women” only serve to cast

The “real” Sudafed - the kind with actual pseudoephedrine in it - can only be purchased directly from a pharmacist, and you have to show your drivers license and it’s a whole ordeal. People buy it to make meth and ruined it for actual sick people. The Sudafed sold on the shelf (phenylephrine) is garbage and is not

It is campy AF but so so so so fun.

I am exactly the same way about those too. See also: Isabella Rossellini and Ingrid Bergman.

Poor Charlize. What a tremendous missed opportunity.

I heard back from Rachel and she said the user was banned earlier tonight. All the most recent posts are over on Gawker, so they would need to be contacted separately.

I just sent an email to Rachel since it seems she's the one working the night shift tonight. Hopefully between that and the tips account, someone will take care of it. Very frustrating.

Sure thing. Julianne mentioned that to Moriarty’s Ringtone recently on Twitter when someone spent an entire day threatening her with rape and she couldn’t get anyone to take care of it. Spread the word any time you see something like that so others know, too.

When something like this crops up, please, please grab links to the individual posts (right click on the time stamp to do this) and send an email to [tips at jezebel dot com]. It is a much quicker and more direct way to bring abusive accounts to the staff’s attention. It will take much longer for it to be addressed if


I have no advice to offer but I do want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to a lovely, kind, smart, and wonderful lady and also give you this cat gif as a present <3