This is good news. Even better news? IGN also wrote about how Uncharted 2 has sold nearly three million copies now, surpassing their expectations.
This is good news. Even better news? IGN also wrote about how Uncharted 2 has sold nearly three million copies now, surpassing their expectations.
@Kuwabara Kazuo: I'm hoping for Heavenly Sword trophies. That would be nice.
I have both systems but just the releases of God of War III (and possibly the Last Guardian) puts PS3 over Xbox this year for me. I also thought 2009 was a disappointing year for the platform as well. I'll probably enjoy Alan Wake (when it's $30) but I've been waiting for GoW3 for too long now.
I cannot wait to play this game on the 52 inch Bravia. This is going to take epic to a whole new level. God of War III was one of the biggest reasons why I bought the PS3, don't let me down.
Even though it took long I'm happy to get some new content for this game. I was hoping for Revolver or MMT to make it to the marketplace. Come on Harmonix!
@VincentGrey: I tried but it says it was already used. Too bad.
@Ursus-Veritas: My parents: Video games are for kids, no one your age (I'm 20) plays them. This wasn't about being misinformed either as they know the content of games like Uncharted or GTA.
With news of how greedy this guy is, even considering an MMO Call of I hope the new Medal of Honor blasts this game's ass out of the water this holiday season. I'm a part of the problem since I've bought 1-6, but this is enough. I'm not paying for Xbox Live, the game and the online for it too....ridiculous.
Considering God of War III comes out next month, [PS3 users at least] are better off spending 60 bones on a game that has the production values to back it up. This game reminds me a lot of Conan in how it shamelessly rips off the gameplay. I bought that game in a bargain bin for $10, DI may end up there too.
@zerothelegend: Look at the difference in direction here: []
Ooh, I can picture it now: Bioshock DS!
I have never felt like a bigger geek then when I recently ordered a toy (my first one in at least seven years, now I'm 20) off of e-bay. I laughed while ordering but couldn't resist. Is it really that bad? I felt like Andy Stitzer for a split second, even displaying it. It's basically a mini Jack-Bauer.
@Gyaruson: Yes, this is exactly the type of game I want from ACIII. It would be a great conclusion to the trilogy.
@OmegaSpartan08: Good to know. They'll be able to make more money off of the assets they created while working on a new game with a different setting. Two games, nice.
@azr: I think he's referring to how Majora's Mask basically reused all the assets of Ocarina to create a weird "side-story" type Zelda. Instead of a jump from say, Wind Waker to TP.
@Covertghost: That could work. If it was in the present I'd be all over it, as long as it didn't just reuse all the assets of the second game. I was hoping for scenery that resembled the Subject 16 video, it looked awesome.
If this is Assassins Creed 3, I'll pass. The mission structure for being in medieval times is played out after two games now. The third (and possible conclusion to the trilogy) should follow Desmond in the present with his *possible spoiler* newfound assassin powers.
So uh, who was that guy who said EA and Riccitiello's direction would make the company fail again?
I was one of those people originally against a sequel for this game but after the trailers, seeing footage and reading some reviews I'm up for it. Will probably buy this (just like the first game) when it goes down in price. I'm willing to enter rapture one more time.
Molyneux should learn that the more and more you hype up a product, the more likely people are to bring it down. I find the best work usually comes from people who don't constantly toot their own horns, you release it and if it's good people will get it. A great artist doesn't need to proclaim they're the best of all…