
Yup, it's misogynistic to think the actors should try to look more like how the book described them isn't it? This isn't award fare so it gets a pass but would it be misandrist if Christian Bale didn't lose wait for Dicky and the press called him out on it? What if Charlize Theron never packed on the pounds for

I'm a guy and thought the men were worse. Lawrence is actually passable but Gale could've lost some weight.

I enjoyed the book (even with the tacked on romance that felt like Collins added it after reading Twilight) but thought the actors looked a little too well fed for the parts. This doesn't just apply to Jennifer Lawrence (who is a very talented rising star) but the guys as well. I didn't expect the cast to pull a

Try the A.V. Club, they have great reviews and commenters with the added bonus of using Disqus (plus a ton of other options).

io9 was the last Gawker site I occasionally checked up on after letting go of the others. As a reader of various Gawker sites for four years now who's gone through lots of changes this is the final nail in the coffin. Go ahead and delete my account, I'm never coming back.

I'm a huge fan of the books (as you can see by my username and avatar) and when reading them (before knowing about the Swedish films) I always pictured an adaptation playing out like the movie Zodiac with a journalistic approach and several long shots with a lengthy run time.

I've seen the photos and the trailer and still don't like Hathaway's casting as Catwoman. Christopher Nolan is great at casting men in the Bat movies but his female picks (Katie Holmes, Maggie Gyllenhaal) have been the weak points of the series. Anne Hathaway is a good actress, but her voice and her wide eyes/big

I didn't want to read all of the prologue due to spoilers so I apologize of this was already said, but didn't Christopher Nolan acknowledge the sound issues with Bane's voice? I remember reading that he was working on improving it for the final mix since the movie is still in production and months away.

I'm starting to get a feeling that when this movie comes out we'll be looking at the Raimi films the way we do Batman Forever and Batman & Robin. I'm really liking the serious vibe here, it's something Marvel doesn't do often.

These are beautiful, it's too bad we won't be able to send a probe there anytime soon. Unless we discover some ancient Prothean technology on Mars when the [supposed] manned shuttle goes there, we may never get to actually see it. Great art Mr. Miller!

Yes, it was. I'm a [formerly] long time Gawker reader and am still trying to familiarize myself with how the comments are here.

You can't write a sequel to Watchmen, it's a great literary work! That'd be like making another Gone With the Wind, Wizard of Oz or Godfather.

Sometimes I wonder if it's possible that some of the drug dealers you read about were gunned down by vigilantes that don't want any publicity. Guys that aren't doing it for same, sort of like the guy in Super.

This is looking incredible so far. I can't wait for the soundtrack to backdrop these bright environments. I also really hope the rumours that Rockstar will be using Motionscan technology for this are true.

I think all the people complaining expect Rockstar to turn GTA into a shooter. That's the only explanation I have for all the bitching, because nobody delivers compelling game narratives like they do.

Gamers complain way too much now (at least on the internet), it makes me wonder why they still play games in the first place. Rockstar is an incredible developer, it's not like they crank out a new GTA every year. They're like the Quentin Tarantino of gaming.

I completely agree with you. I love seriousness in my mediums, and nobody does it better in gaming then Rockstar. The new GTA's are the closest I've come to living inside a Michael Mann movie. It seems with the internet gamers will bitch about anything and everything.

I couldn't believe this was the RAGE engine at first, I thought they were using Team Bondi's from L.A. Noire. It looks amazing, I can't believe how good games this gen continue to look.

With the bright environments this is already looking amazing. I loved the serious change to realism that gta IV took, it was like playing a Michael Mann movie. If Rockstar uses the Motionscan technology for this it'd blow my mind. Here's hoping a release date for 2012 on current consoles comes soon.

Does Crackdown count or is it too weird?