Son of Mecha Mummy

Haven't seen either the original or the remake in a very long time but I did like that the remake turned Mike Teavee into a composite of every awful twelve-year-old you've ever run into on XBox Live.

Yeah, on one hand I actually prefer the wild cards to mostly be a "they're not gonna win but it's fun to see them again" thing but with Kacy she's so prominent that there's no real stakes if she fails in qualifiers, and there has to be real stakes for the big names not qualifying.

One of my favorite things in the final couple years of Stewart's Daily Show was him, about once every other month, going on a tangent about something that had just happened in WWE to the absolute bemusement of his audience.

I definitely think it's probably the most cohesive in terms of painting a picture. The self-titled is just a collection of mostly-very good songs, and Demon Days has the same basic idea as Plastic Beach but isn't nearly as specific.

For me, every Gorillaz album has gone through a really similar arc of me putting it on and going "yeah, this is decent but I don't love it" which is promptly followed by listening to nothing but that album for the rest of the week.

Still a better joker than Jared Leto.

It seems like he only ever appears in Nick stuff, if his Wiki is any indication, so I wonder if it's by choice.

Yeah, around 1999 or so. Maybe 2000. It was for one year and then the original run ended.

I still remember the Rocket Power theme because it's just about the most embarrassing "we're adults trying to write something kids will think is cool" theme song ever.

When Gabriel Iglesias joined the cast of All That and everyone I liked except for Josh Server were gone was probably when I was like "y'know, maybe it's time."

Yeah, I totally get why they did it. I haven't seen Abby outside of SNL, really, but it's hard to imagine anyone being as endearing as she was.

Abby Elliot leaving SNL to do Ben and Kate and then getting recast off of that after like one table read was brutal as someone who loved her impressions on SNL. I can't even imagine how bad that table read must have gone.

I kiss my frog in your honor.

Yeah, if they were going to throw someone in for Game of Thrones it should have been Ian McShane. I would have cracked up if he had won an award for one episode of a show he doesn't give the slightest fuck about.

Molly Shannon and Kristen Wiig are basically in the same boat for me, where I really enjoy them in venues that aren't SNL but absolutely loathed them on SNL. They're both really good actresses when they're playing human beings and not loud catchphrase receptacles.

To be fair, One Piece is pretty singular in what it does and what it pulls off. That is one dude's insane long-term vision for a sprawling story, personal health be damned. I don't think its major contemporaries (Naruto, for one) held up nearly as well over time.

super-excited for when the internet stops being lazy posts about the last Game of Thrones episode

Yeah, I thought Sam Bee was very smart to follow on the once-a-week thing too. Both Noah and Wilmore's writers seem to struggle with having enough good material for four shows a week; if you condensed their best stuff from all four shows to just one episode there's probably a world of difference.

I went to a taping of the Daily Show back in February and the conclusion I came to was that I like Noah but he's not a great fit for what people want from the show, and his writers are doing him no favors. When he was on his feet doing the pre-show Q&A session he was pretty likable and funny, but when he does the

Good for him. I missed Captain Phillips, but he was really good in Eye in the Sky.