Son of Mecha Mummy

sports were awful, I got a headache that hasn't gone away, and I was disappointed by two of three HBO shows I watch (but not Veep! Love you, Veep). So, not optimal.

It felt a little Entourage to me. "Looks like the boys are ridin' again! *cue classic rock — er, contemporary hip-hop track*"

Oh, Heart are playing here on that tour. In fact, they're playing the White River Ampitheatre which is where all the other Washington ones are. It's just not included because probably Heart being from here means they think the show will sell out normally.

Good god, the Seattle-area options are basically exclusively nu-metal. Worst part is I know the Heart/Cheap Trick/Joan Jett show is playing in a LiveNation venue but since Heart are from here the ticket sales are probably good enough for them to not want to put it on this.

That was my thought. It's absolutely the kind of thing I could see myself absentmindedly doing one night, especially if having the car at that incline became just a normal everyday life thing. What an awful way to go.


honestly, if the match-ups were this fucking bizarre more often I might have watched an episode by now. For this one I'm tempted to set my DVR.

Richard congratulating himself by calling himself a good boy is too perfect for words.

I feel like I've seen her more in the last year than I had for like the decade after MadTV went off the air.

My inner 14-year-old thanks you kindly for the inclusion of "Burndt Jamb." I remember when I got Maladroit that was the one that immediately jumped out to me. I actually like the fuller, non-demo version of "December" better too, I think the drums and backing vocals help a lot.

I constantly have to mute east coast friends who do it, and then hope I remember to unmute them after the fact. Sometimes I do remember! Sometimes…

"haha, so much fun, you guys" ~ Jimmy Fallon, probably

same. Don't recall seeing reviews of it anywhere I frequent.

It would have happened either way, and preferably in a way that didn't involve Diego Costa's existence. Zero buys.

That would be the most hilarious "the film side of the MCU has no clue what the TV side is doing and doesn't care" moment yet.

Huh? Plenty of people complained about the Mandarin casting before they knew the twist. If anything, the Mandarin twist saves it because the whole thing becomes a pisstake on Hollywood casting.

the thing is, he's always going to be a thing in Seattle. The Presidents of the United States of America have gotten prominent status at Bumbershoot as recently as like five years ago, a good ten years after they hit "whatever happened to those guys?" status for the rest of the country.

Yeah, at this point even if it wasn't almost always the same weekend as PAX I wouldn't go anyway. I used to consider Bumbershoot an end-of-summer tradition where even if I didn't have strong feelings on the lineup I'd go and check bands out but between the competition and the absolutely obnoxious price gouging it's

I mean, I remember there being actual advertisements for Larry Crowne. I work in a movie theater and I saw no indication that this movie existed until last Thursday.

My movie theater is getting it this weekend. When they put the poster up a week ago I was absolutely baffled at how I could have heard precisely nothing about a Tom Tykwer-directed Tom Hanks film, and then on Monday I saw the trailer and understood completely.